The Indian lens excels in "abstraction" ... and a distinguished Kuwaiti presence

Hamdan Photography ... Light and darkness with lenses perfecting the culture of light

  • Tito Shaggy Thomas - India.

  • Zeenat Shaker - India

  • Muhammad Murad - Kuwait

  • Eddy Pamojkas - Indonesia

  • Ali Aslan - Turkey


The General Secretariat of the Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Prize for Photography announced the winners of the Instagram contest for January 2021, whose theme was “Abstraction - Light and Darkness”.

The competition also gave Kuwaiti photographer Muhammed Murad the opportunity to attend the list of winners for a distinguished work, while Indonesian photographer Eddy Pamojkas completed the winners contract accompanied by Turkish photographer Ali Aslan.

The five winners will receive a medal of appreciation for the award, and their photos and names will be published on the award’s official account on HIPAae, and the January contest saw the use of the hashtag #HIPAContest_AbstractLD.

The Secretary-General of the Prize, Ali Khalifa bin Thalith, said: “We are pleased with the quantitative and qualitative development of the artworks participating in the Middle East. This reflects a state of cultural development for photographers in the region.

Excellence in the arts of abstraction, especially if it is determined by light contrast, is an arduous arrangement except for the photographer who is immersed in the culture of light to the core theoretically and practically, and is able to adapt the idea with his lens and embody it with appropriate aesthetic standards.

Bin Thaleth added, "We congratulate the winners and the participants as well for remarkable creative work, and we advise those persistent to participate in the necessity of permanent education, to be aware of everything new, and to participate in the upcoming editions with the intention of winning.

Kuwaiti photographer Muhammad Murad said about his winning photo: “I took the photo in Tanzania in 2018, of a gazelle horn (Thomson).

In abstract photography, the viewer's usual frames are absent, so that he cannot immediately recognize the nature of the image!

This lack of context is one of the most important reasons that make abstract photography so interesting and challenging at the same time.

"This is my third victory in this competition, I feel great, and I think that winning competitions will push me to work more on my photography career as well as boost and support it," Murad added.

The victory puts any photographer in the spotlight so that the public knows them better.

Thank you very much (Hepa) for this wonderful opportunity.

Indian photographer Tito Shaji Thomas said of his winning photo: “I took the photo in (The Dubai Mall) on February 4, 2021, where the light patterns on the wall looked impressive, but the human element was necessary to add some drama to the scene, and luckily I saw a person crossing in The place so I managed to capture the perfect scene that struck my mind. ”

Thomas continued, “I have won several prizes before, and some of my work has been published in (National Geographic), but winning (HEPA) is different, as it is one of the most famous photography competitions in the world, and winning it will boost my self-confidence to achieve my dreams.

I feel that I am always a beginner in the art of photography, I love to travel, the streets and photojournalism, and I aspire to work for a leading news agency someday.

Names of the winners

Tito Shaggy Thomas (India).

Zeenat Shakir (India).

Muhammad Murad (Kuwait).

Eddy Pamojkas (Indonesia).

Ali Aslan (Turkey).

Ali bin Thalith: Excellence in the arts of abstraction requires photographers immersed in the culture of light.

Mohamed Murad: Abstraction hides the viewer's usual frames, which makes it challenging.

Tito Shaggy Thomas: I was fortunate in the "Dubai Mall" ... and I aspire to work for a leading news agency.

- The five winners will receive the medal of appreciation, and their photos and names will be published on the official account of the award.

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