Illustration of the Brest cable car.


Fred Tanneau / AFP

Cable car breakdowns in Brest are a bit like work at Rennes station.

One wonders if they will ever end.

This Wednesday, however, a small event occurred in the city of Ponant.

After ten months of stoppage, the cable car carried its first travelers of the year this afternoon.

For the time being, only one of the two cabins is working, and work remains to be done in the downtown station.

Since its opening in 2016, the cable car has been making a lot of noise.

The most recent dates back to May 2020 and the detection of "deteriorated screws on the cabin lines", as Brest Métropole mentioned.

It took the Swiss group Bartholet Maschinenbau Flums several months to repair the incident.

As for Bouygues, which manufactured the stations, he had detected a "non-conformity on the civil engineering of the Jean-Moulin station", which the group is still struggling to resolve.

The work should be completed in February.

The second cabin should also be put back into service in the coming weeks.

The Brest cable car is the first in urban areas in mainland France.

Funded for around 19 million euros, much less than a tram or metro, it has opened up and developed the Capucins plateau.

It allows to cross the Penfeld and rises to 72 meters high.


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  • Breakdown

  • Society

  • Public transport

  • Transport

  • Brest

  • Cable car