In order to pass on the dialect that remains in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture to the next generation, the residents of the area created a "dialect card".

The karuta was created by members of the "Hiebara Ben Talking Group," which is made up of elderly people in the Hiebara area of ​​Izumo City.

Hibara Ben is a dialect of this district, and it is said that only people aged 60 and over who live in the district can speak now, and the issue is how to keep it in the future.

There are 44 cards, and the Hibara Ben and the standard language that expresses its meaning are introduced with a warm picture.

Of these, the tag "I'm sorry and I'm sitting down" means "I'm sorry and I'm sitting down while squeezing people", "Mentashi" is "I'm sorry", and "Nemari Komu" is "Sit down". ".

The "Talking Party" is planning to make this card into a booklet and distribute it to local people, elementary schools, libraries, etc.

Keiichi Hanada (82), who created the karuta, said, "I hope to preserve the history we have walked through karuta and help revitalize the region."