The magazine "Stratégies", devoted to current affairs in communication, advertising and the media, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, including more than 40 years as a weekly.

A format that requires permanent innovation on paper, ensures Wednesday at the microphone of Europe 1 the editorial director, Gilles Wybo.


A dashing fifty-something!

Since its creation in 1971, the magazine


has been modernized many times, with innovations from all sides.

But one thing has not changed since the end of the 1970s: this press title has remained a weekly, a demanding format that requires each week to produce the best possible magazine around current events in communication, advertising and media, the main areas of



On the occasion of this fiftieth anniversary, Gilles Wybo, editorial director, was the guest of

Culture Médias on


Newsletters, weekly, social networks ...

For the manager, still being a paper weekly in such a difficult context for the written press is a real "struggle".

How to survive in the age of information that circulates very quickly on the internet and social networks?

"You have to be innovative on paper, that's what makes you save it," he says.

"We see around us print magazines that suffer, news that suffer, dailies that suffer."


Before, you had to think of the content in a single medium


In fifty years, however, the media world has experienced a real revolution.

In the 1970s, at the beginning of the magazine, "we had to think of the content in a single medium," recalls Gilles Wybo.

"What did we put in the paper? With what journalistic treatment? Today, we are experiencing this atomization: we have two daily newsletters, we have this weekly, we have the website, but also we have our social networks. has 300,000 people who follow us on LinkedIn, on Instagram too. Each time, you have to have a different angle and editorial line. It is a chance and it is also a gymnastics of spirit to have to think each medium differently . "

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To ensure this "gymnastics of spirit", the weekly relies on the "journalistic creativity" of its multi-media editorial staff.



is first and foremost an editorial staff, with around twenty press cards. This is what makes the strength and intelligence of this magazine."