In the Shin-Nagata district of Kobe City, which was severely damaged by the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and has undergone large-scale redevelopment, but the revitalization of the city's bustle has become an issue, the city has established a support base for foreigners in the city. I decided to relocate.

I want to create a flow of people and lead to the creation of liveliness.

In the Shin-Nagata district of Kobe City, which was severely damaged by the earthquake 26 years ago, a large-scale redevelopment was carried out at a cost of about 220 billion yen under the initiative of the government, but 60% of the tenants in the shopping district remained unsold. , Regeneration of the bustle is an issue.

In order to revitalize the area, Kobe City has decided to relocate the "Kobe International Community Center", which is now a base facility for supporting foreigners, to this area.

The autumn of this year to a free tenant of the center shopping street in the prospect has decided to move the center.

According to the city, the number of foreigners visiting the center is about 20,000 a year, and the number of living consultations in the coronavirus is increasing.

The city says that many foreigners will visit the Shin-Nagata area to use the facilities after the move, and demand for shopping and meals in the surrounding area can be expected, and we hope to help revitalize the bustle.

According to Kobe City, "The Shin-Nagata area originally has many foreign residents, and we have decided that it is suitable as a support base. We would like to invite a large number of people to visit and create a lively atmosphere."