The wave of comedian Kim Si-deok's exposing that he had been handed over by a comedian brother in the past has been increasing.

Beauty creator Kim Ki-soo, the motive of Kim Si-deok's KBS public recruiting comedian and the'motive who played a hand-to-hand sword,' referred to by Kim Si-deok, expressed pain on the 25th that Donum, who even mentions his mother through his SNS, is suffering from bad comments.

Kim Ki-soo posted a captured photo on his social media, saying, "A lot of people ask you that you commented (deleted comments), and there are many speculations about comments, so I put it at the end of my thoughts. I deleted these comments." The picture contained a difficult word for Kim Ki-soo's mother.

The reason Kim Ki-soo was subjected to such a malicious terror was due to a video posted by Kim Si-deok on his YouTube channel on the 15th. Kim Si-deok said,'Have you heard? In the video titled "Motivational gathering!", "My brother in the past did a hand-judge sword" and "The PD didn't tell other comedians to make a comedy, so I prepared a gag by myself and entered'Gacon' first." He made a claim to expose his personality.

Accordingly, netizens left a comment on Kim Ki-soo's YouTube and social media and demanded "Explain about Kim Si-deok's video." Kim Ki-soo refuted, saying, "There is nothing to clarify, and everything will be revealed," without mentioning otherwise.

Meanwhile, Kim Young-sam, a motive of KBS public recruitment comedian, posted a comment advocating Kim Ki-soo in Kim Ki-soo's YouTube comment, and more attention was paid to the authenticity of Kim Si-deok's remarks.

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Kyung-yoon)