Vaccination against Covid-19 is accelerating in France.

Invited from Europe 1 on Saturday, the president of the Confederation of French medical unions and nephrologist campaigned for greater involvement of general practitioners and local doctors in the vaccination process, and not only in hospitals.


The government is boosting its vaccination campaign against Covid-19.

The figure of 100,000 vaccinated should be reached during the weekend.

Invited from Europe 1 on Saturday, the president of the Confederation of French medical and nephrologist unions (CSMF), Jean-Paul Ortiz, affirms that the vaccination campaign must give a greater role to general practitioners and not be monopolized by the big hospitals: "The treating and local doctors must be essential players in this vaccination."


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With about fifteen medical personalities, Jean-Paul Ortiz has chosen to be vaccinated in front of the cameras in Aulnay-sous-Bois.

One way to reassure the population about the safety of the vaccine.

According to him, this confidence also goes through the mobilization of local medicine: "We must be able to vaccinate the French as close as possible to their homes. It is out of the question to focus vaccination in hospitals."

5 or 6 vaccination sites per department run by general practitioners

"We cannot send all French people to hospitals."

He explains in particular that the elderly, priority for access to vaccination will not all be able to travel to large hospitals.

"We will also have to create mobile teams to go to the homes of the elderly. Because we will not exclude them from vaccination."

>> Find Europe evening weekend in podcast and replay here

The process is already being put in place, according to Jean-Paul Ortiz.

The classic scheme at the departmental level would consist of having a main vaccination center in a hospital then smaller places on the outskirts: "The goal is that there is on average, per department, five or six other vaccination sites which will always be places of vaccination with treating and liberal doctors. "