On the evening of January 8, Sichuan’s Zigong High-tech Zone notified the public that: around 20:30 on December 29, 2020, a tourist injury incident occurred in Shenhai Forest·Haitang Shenquan, Zigong City, Sichuan.

Up to now, one of the four injured is being treated in the general ICU of West China Hospital in Sichuan, and the other three are still in Zigong for observation.

  According to preliminary investigations, the cause of the accident was a failure of the power line leading to the "Iodized Salt Spring", which caused electric shocks and injuries to people who bathed in the "Iodized Salt Spring".

  After the incident, the relevant departments of Zigong High-tech Zone immediately rushed to the scene to understand the situation and carry out treatment of the injured.

The emergency department of Zigong City quickly established an investigation team to investigate the cause of the incident.

  At present, the Zigong Emergency Management Bureau and the Zigong High-tech Zone Management Committee are guiding and urging the hot spring owner units to go all out to cooperate with the hospital in the medical treatment of the wounded. At the same time, they are intensifying the supervision and management of enterprise safety production and urging the enterprise to fully develop hidden dangers. Investigate and rectify to ensure the safety of people’s lives.

  Next, the Zigong City Emergency Management Bureau and the Zigong High-tech Zone Management Committee will deal with the responsible units and persons in accordance with the investigation conclusions and laws and regulations.

Editor in charge: [Bian Liqun]