Chinese officials confiscated more than 17 million illegal publications in 2020, shut down 349 severely illegal live streaming apps

  China News Agency, Beijing, January 7th (Reporter Ying Ni) China's National Anti-Pornography and Anti-illegal Affairs Office (hereinafter referred to as the "All Sweeping Office") announced on the 7th that in 2020, more than 17 million illegal publications of various types will be confiscated and various networks will be disposed of There were more than 12 million pieces of harmful information, and more than 11,000 cases of "anti-pornography and illegality" were investigated.

Regulatory authorities shut down 349 live broadcast applications that seriously violated regulations.

  Violation of live broadcast "reward" seriously impacted mainstream values.

In response, the All-Sweeping Office and the Central Cyberspace Administration of China took the lead and jointly carried out in-depth special rectification and standardized management actions for the webcast industry.

  The Supreme People's Court issued guidelines to clarify the handling methods for persons with limited capacity for civil conduct who participate in the online live broadcast platform for rewards.

Regulatory authorities shut down 349 live streaming applications that seriously violated regulations such as "Crown Live", dealt with cases of using pornographic and vulgar live content to induce rewards, and imposed administrative penalties on a number of well-known live broadcast platforms with vulgar live content.

The public security organs implemented a full-chain crackdown on multiple live webcast cases and eliminated a number of underground "pornographic" platforms.

Zhejiang cracked the case of "Harem" live broadcast platform organizing an obscene performance, arresting 30 suspects, involving more than 300 million yuan; Shandong cracked a case of "Peach Live" organizing an obscene performance, arresting 34 people involved in the case at home and abroad, involving 100 million yuan Multiple.

The investigation and crackdown of these cases has obvious deterrent effect.

  Vulgar problems have always been the difficulty of network governance.

The "anti-pornography and anti-illegal" departments investigated and dealt with a number of online platforms in accordance with the law, imposed administrative penalties on websites such as Youku, iQiyi, Weibo, National K Songs, and Bilibili for disseminating vulgar information, and interviewed relevant operating companies.

The "Love Academy" website that disseminates PUA and other bad information was cancelled, and platforms such as Baidu and Douyin were ordered to check the contents of the bad information involving PUA.

Timely clean up and rectify unsuitable content for children in pre-screening advertisements and vulgar advertisements on video websites.

  Regarding the protection of minors, more than 10.18 million pieces of pornographic and vulgar information were handled throughout the year, and more than 310,000 illegal and harmful children's publications, more than 520,000 illegal newspapers and periodicals, and more than 7.4 million infringing and pirated publications were seized.

Destroyed several child pornographic websites such as "Love Loli", "Yoyou", "Domestic Yoyo", etc.; Guangdong Zhaoqing successfully cracked the case of "Pocket Entertainment" mobile application organizing minor obscene performances and rescued 32 minor victims .

  At the same time, we will strengthen market inspections and network inspections around important time points, and carry out in-depth special actions such as "Jingwang 2020", "Autumn Wind 2020" and "Miaoling 2020". Organized the supervision and inspection of the special action of "anti-pornography and illegal activities" carried out in 8 key provinces and cities including Beijing, and notified the rectification of a number of problems. (Finish)