Hauts-de-France, laboratory of an eco-responsible textile industry (Rerun)

Audio 19:30

A textile factory in Moliens, Hauts-de-France, in September 2018 (illustrative image).

AFP / Denis Charlet

By: Lise Verbeke

21 min

A historic bastion of the textile industry in France, the Hauts-de-France region was hit hard by massive relocations in the 1980s. The factories closed one after the other.

But in recent years, the region has reconnected with its past.


(Replay of September 9, 2020)

The sector is regaining color because it has taken the turn towards a more ethical and eco-responsible industry.

By relying on an emerging trend: the change in consumer behavior towards

Made in France

and responsible fashion.

This change is certainly slow, but is progressing year by year, with a boost in recent months linked to the coronavirus crisis.

The region is a driving force in France and it has established itself as a responsible fashion laboratory.

Report by

Lise Verbeke



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