Keywords of health issues that young people care about in 2020

Editor's note

  2020 is an unusual year. A sudden epidemic disrupted everyone's pace of life.

At the end of the year, looking back on the experience of this year and sorting out the “keywords for health issues in 2020” that plagued young people, we found that there are pandemic-related anxiety, compulsive behaviors, and pandemic obesity, as well as the focus of young people’s perennial attention : Hair loss, staying up late, depression...

  Let us take a look at the advice given by experts and pay attention to these key words: accept negative emotions, moderate catharsis, active coping, regular meals, regular rest, deep breathing and relaxation, music relaxation, meditation training, going out of home and interacting with real people, reasonable eating, Control weight, keep exercising, quit smoking and limit alcohol, maintain optimism, mental balance, go to bed and get up early...

  In the new year, I hope you are physically and mentally healthy and positive.


[Keywords: insomnia]

Go to bed early in the new year, which can reduce fat and increase muscle mass, improve skin and increase hair...

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Xia Jin, trainee reporter Chen Ding

  2020 is not an easy year for many people, and Li Yan is no exception.

At the age of 25, she joined the work this year as a staff member of a media company.

It is not easy for a person to work hard in a big city. She is ready to suffer and suffer, and believes that life will get better and better.

However, her sleep quality became worse and worse before her days became better.

  At first I slept shallowly, and would wake up intermittently at night, and after waking up, it would take an hour or two to fall asleep again.

Later, she had difficulty falling asleep before zero.

Now I even go to bed late for fear of not being able to sleep.

Li Yan would occasionally fall asleep unconsciously. After waking up, it was still pitch black outside the window. Her nights were always extra long.

  She doesn't want to take medicine.

She has sought help from colleagues and friends around her, and also received some suggestions.

For example, she should not look at her mobile phone one hour before going to bed, read a book before going to bed, avoid emotional excitement before going to bed, and drink less coffee during the day. A fitness-loving friend also suggested that she take time out to do aerobic exercise every day to make her body feel tired. I tried one by one, but the effect was not significant. "After I lie down often, my thoughts and pictures start to flow in my mind, and I can't stop it or stop. It seems that there is a cinema in my head."

  Many of Li Yan's friends are also suffering from insomnia. They even set up an "insomnia group", which was initially said to help each other fight against insomnia, and later became a "night chat group" when unable to sleep.

  "I didn't drink a cup of coffee today. I don't plan to watch anything with a screen after I get home from get off work. I hope I can sleep peacefully tonight."

  [Expert suggestion]:

  Sun Wei, Director of Sleep Department, Peking University Sixth Hospital:

  More and more young people are joining the team who stay up late. What are the hazards of staying up late?

First of all, staying up late will affect the quality of sleep.

"The ideal time to fall asleep is 11 o'clock in the evening. From 11 o'clock in the evening to 1 o'clock in the morning the next morning, the proportion of deep sleep is the highest. If you often stay up late and miss the best sleep time, the proportion of light sleep and dream sleep will be higher. , Sleep quality will be affected.”

  Secondly, staying up often will have an impact on weight.

Because staying up late will affect the secretion of human growth hormone.

Growth hormone secretion peaks at 11 o'clock in the evening. At this time, if the person is sleeping, the growth hormone will secrete more; if the person is still awake, the secretion of growth hormone will be insufficient.

Growth hormone can promote lipolysis and promote protein synthesis.

Therefore, early going to bed can promote the secretion of growth hormone, thereby achieving the effect of reducing fat and increasing muscle.

  Third, staying up often will affect skin regeneration, the skin will lack luster, lose elasticity, and people will look aging.

A good night's sleep has a much greater effect on skin maintenance than skin care products.

  Fourth, staying up late will also affect hair regrowth.

Many young people move their hairline back, which has a lot to do with staying up late.

When staying up late, the concentration of cortisol in the human body will increase, and the increase in cortisol will promote the immune response of the hair follicle cells, accelerate the programmed cell apoptosis, cause the hair follicles to shrink, hair fall, and affect hair regeneration.

  Wang Xueqin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Sleep Medicine, Peking University Sixth Hospital:

  Medical research has found that watching a blue light screen for 2-5 hours before going to bed can reduce the synthesis and secretion of melatonin, hinder the increase in melatonin level, and make sleep time delay and sleep lighter.

Eliminating blue light is not the key to solving the problem. The best way is to not use electronic equipment before going to bed, turn off strong lighting, and improve the public's concept of sleep hygiene.

  In Wang Xueqin's view, often staying up late, pushing the sleep time back indefinitely, artificially disrupting the biological clock, these external behaviors are likely to have a genetic modification effect.

If things go on like this, it will keep melatonin at a low level for a long time.

Melatonin has a regulating effect on mood. Dr. Wang Xueqin found that many patients who came to the Department of Sleep Medicine originally thought they were only having sleep problems, but after examination they found it was depression.

  There is also a sleep disorder that is becoming more and more common among young people-"sleep phase delay syndrome".

Dr. Xueqin Wang explained that the delayed sleep phase syndrome refers to the patient’s main sleep period shifted back during the 24-hour circadian cycle, usually more than two hours, which is a pattern of delayed sleep onset and wake-up time. .

The patient cannot fall asleep (wake up) at an earlier time that is expected or routinely acceptable.

They have obvious difficulty falling asleep, but once they fall asleep, there is no obvious abnormality in the quality and quantity of sleep and sleep results.

  When a person is deprived of sleep, in order to maintain a long-term awakening state, the body will increase the secretion of orexin and increase feeding behavior.

Many people who stay up late become obese, which may also be related to the increased secretion of orexin.

Orexin not only participates in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, but also regulates physiological functions such as feeding behavior, energy metabolism, insulin secretion, and gastric acid secretion.

  "Sleep beauty is scientifically based. Good sleep plays an important role in maintaining healthy weight. At the same time, orexin is also involved in brain cognitive function activities, so staying up late is not only easy to gain weight, but also may cause inattention and memory function. The phenomenon of decline. Once the sleep rhythm is changed or disrupted, people often feel the decline of brain function." Wang Xueqin said.


[Keywords: hair loss]

This stops the receding hairline

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Chen Ding

  In Song Yi's impression, hair loss is related to genetics.

Song Yi's parents' hair was black and thick, and no relatives in the family had hair loss.

My parents said that when she was a child, the barber would help her to thin her hair.

However, this year she started to lose her hair.

Every day I get up on a large pillow, and after washing my hair, the drain in the bathroom will be blocked by my hair.

After work, she is under a lot of pressure, but she still insists on a good work and rest. She works efficiently during the day and rarely sleeps and stays up late. For her health, she often goes to the gym to exercise and avoids spicy food.

Song Yi said: "I thought about using some hair growth drugs, but I was worried about the side effects on the body. I only used some anti-hair loss shampoos, but the effect was not obvious. Now I really don't know what to do. "

  [Expert suggestion]

  Yang Dingquan, Director of Hair Medical Center of China-Japan Friendship Hospital:

  Common types of hair loss include androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata and telogen alopecia.

Hair loss during resting period is mainly caused by factors such as malnutrition and seasonal changes, and the number of hair loss can gradually return to normal 3 to 4 months after the cause is resolved.

Alopecia areata is mainly related to factors such as genetics, immunity, and mental stress. Generally, it is necessary to go to the dermatology department of the hospital to find the predisposing factors and receive professional treatment. Most of them can be cured.

Androgenetic alopecia accounts for 95% of the number of alopecia patients. It mainly occurs in adult men. In China, there are about 130 million male androgenic alopecia patients and about 30 million female patients.

  Yang Dingquan said that androgenetic alopecia is mainly manifested as thinning, shortening, and softening of the hair on the top of the head. It is characterized by the shifting of the front hairline and the reduction of the hair on the top of the head, eventually forming baldness, while the reduction of the temporal and occipital hairs is not obvious. , And eventually form M-shaped, C-shaped, and U-shaped hair loss areas on the top of the head.

  The main causes of androgenic alopecia include genetics, androgen metabolism, mental stress, hair follicle microenvironment and other factors.

In terms of genetics, androgenetic alopecia is currently considered a polygenic genetic disease, and about 50% of male androgenic alopecia patients have a clear family history.

  Excessive testosterone and dihydrotestosterone combined with the hair follicles on the top of the head can cause long-term shortening of hair in this area, prolonged resting period and slower growth rate. It is currently considered to be the main cause of androgenetic alopecia.

"Dihydrotestosterone is'doing good deeds' before the age of 18, helping boys to develop masculinity, such as the development of the Adam's apple, changing their voice, and growing beards. However, after the age of 18, men start to'do bad deeds', which makes people feel good. , Acne and dying. Therefore, androgenetic alopecia usually starts after the age of 18, and some of them start to lose hair earlier and even after the voice changes.” Yang Dingquan said.

  The third main cause of androgenetic alopecia is mental stress. Often staying up late to work, mental stress, prolonged stress, anxiety, depression, and anger will cause fluctuations in hormone levels in the body, causing the body to produce stress hormones, which in turn causes The hair follicle cycle becomes shorter, which accelerates the loss of hair.

  Hair loss is a disease caused by a combination of many factors. The level of sex hormones, individual sensitivity and the microenvironment of hair follicles may all be conditions for hair loss.

"Some people have increased androgen levels or often stay up late, but they do not necessarily have hair loss. Whether these pathogenic factors can cause the disease varies from person to person. The latest research has found that the hair follicle microenvironment is also closely related to hair loss, including local Microcirculation, infection, and inflammation around hair follicles have an important impact on the growth cycle of hair follicles. This is also the current focus of clinical research." Yang Dingquan said.

  So how do you judge whether you are losing your hair?

Yang Dingquan said that men can press the top of the head with their hands, and then press the back of the occiput. If the hair on the top of the head is thinner than the hair on the back of the head, they may have hair loss.

If women find that their hair falls out more when washing their hair, or there is a clear "middle point" on the top of the head and more scalp is exposed, it means that the hair loss is obvious.

"There is also a judgment method that many people know, that is, it is normal natural hair loss if it loses less than 100 hairs a day. Under normal circumstances, hair loss when washing hair will account for 70% of the hair loss throughout the day, so after washing it It is normal that no more than 70 hairs fall from the head."

  Yang Dingquan suggested that if the hair loss is mild, home treatments such as maintenance, massage, and diet health can be taken.

Work and rest regularly, avoid staying up late, and feel comfortable.

At the same time pay attention to diet, eat more whole grains, beans, black fungus, fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and other foods with high protein content, rich in vitamins, and crude fiber foods.

Eat less carbohydrates and avoid irritating foods such as peppers and raw garlic.

In addition, anaerobic exercise will also stimulate the secretion of testosterone, so pay attention to doing more aerobic exercise.

  Androgenetic alopecia cannot be cured, but effective prevention and treatment can reduce the degree of disease and delay the time of disease.

If the hair loss is more serious, it is recommended to seek medical treatment, find the cause of the hair loss through a blood test, and then check the degree of hair loss through a trichoscopy. Finally, the doctor will check the patient's type of hair loss and then choose a specific treatment.

The drugs used in treatment include those that promote hair growth, adjust hormone levels, relieve anxiety, fight infections, and improve microcirculation.

It is a misunderstanding that the use of drugs to treat hair loss will affect fertility.

As long as the treatment of hair loss follows the principles of early, long-term, standardized, combined and individualized protection, 90% of patients can stop the disease and 70% of patients can grow hair.

  If you are still unsatisfied after medication, you can consider hair transplant surgery.

Hair transplantation is not done once and for all. The essence of hair transplantation is the redistribution of hair follicle resources. It is a process that requires long-term persistence.

  "Don't just believe in the so-called magical quick-acting methods for hair loss, and don't believe in folk remedies. To treat more serious hair loss, you must go to the hospital or the hair specialist clinic or hair medicine center of a regular medical institution for diagnosis and treatment." Yang Dingquan reminded.


[Keywords: obesity]

The epidemic has given everyone a chance to get fat, and some people have grasped it firmly

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Zhang Manyu

  Lin Zhou (pseudonym), a young man from Wuhan, has loved food but not sports since he was a child. He is 1.78 meters tall and once weighed about 200 kg.

During the epidemic, his weight soared to 556 kilograms in June due to eating more and less activity. He couldn't load his body. He was uncomfortable lying down and couldn't breathe out. He called 120 for help.

  Medical staff from Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University visited Lin Zhou for nucleic acid testing and pre-hospital inspection.

The doctor said that obesity caused Lin Zhou's acute heart failure, and his life would be in danger if he was not treated in time.

After admission, Lin Zhou underwent various examinations and symptomatic treatment such as color Doppler ultrasound and sleep monitoring.

After more than a week, Lin Zhou was finally out of danger and transferred to the general ward.

  During the epidemic, many people were suffering from increased body weight.

In April this year, a survey conducted by our newspaper of 3,005 respondents showed that 73.7% of the respondents gained weight during the epidemic.

Respondents believe that the three main reasons for gaining weight are less exercise, chaotic work and rest, and frequent meals.

  [Expert suggestion]:

  Wang Fang, deputy director of the Department of Cardiology, Beijing Hospital and director of the echocardiography room:

  Obesity may lead to a series of complications or related diseases, which in turn affects people's life expectancy or leads to a decline in quality of life, and may cause physical, psychological and social problems.

Obesity has been proven to be an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

  How to judge whether you are obese?

  There are medical judgments for obesity.

Standard weight (kg) = height (cm)-105, obesity (%) = (actual weight-standard weight) / standard weight × 100%.

Obesity between ±10% is normal, 10%-20% is overweight, 20%-30% is mildly obese, 30%-50% is moderately obese, and greater than 50% is severe Obesity, more than 100% is morbid obesity.

  Modern methods of treating obesity include reasonable diet, exercise, behavior and lifestyle adjustments, psychological and social support, drugs, and surgery.

Among them, lifestyle intervention is very important.

A healthy lifestyle mainly includes the following four aspects: reasonable diet and weight control; proper exercise is the most important thing in persistence; quitting smoking and limiting alcohol can benefit endlessly; maintaining optimism and mental balance.

  A reasonable diet structure requires total calorie control, a balanced diet, and a reasonable mix.

"The food we eat needs to be decomposed and metabolized, and then produce calories for human consumption. The ways to consume calories mainly include basal metabolism (energy required to maintain basic life activities), physical activity and other consumption. When the supply of calories exceeds the consumption At this time, the remaining calories will be stored, and the body is more inclined to turn this part of calories into excess fat. Eat too much food and consume less; normal diet but insufficient body consumption may lead to excess fat. Obese people are more People of normal weight are more prone to "anabolism", which means eating the same food, the former is more likely to synthesize fat and retain it." Wang Fang said.

  Wang Fang emphasized that controlling calorie intake does not mean dieting, nor can it be an extreme way of losing weight without eating staple foods.

She said that eating should be based on the principle of having a good breakfast, having lunch on time, and having dinner as light as possible.

Some details need to be paid attention to, such as slowing down the eating speed as much as possible, chewing slowly; eating less snacks; do not watching TV or mobile phones while eating.

  Specifically, Wang Fang recommends that women consume 1,200 kcal per day and men 1,800 kcal, so that there will be no excess calories.

The reference recipe for 1200 kcal calories is: breakfast, half a steamed bun, 250 ml milk; lunch, 75 g rice, 50 g lean meat, 250 g vegetables, 1 spoon of vegetable oil; dinner, 75 g rice, 75 g fish, and 250 vegetables Grams, 1 scoop of vegetable oil.

The reference recipe for 1800 kcal is: breakfast, half a steamed bun, 1 egg, 250 ml of milk; lunch, 1 steamed bun, 100 grams of lean meat, 250 grams of vegetables, 1 spoon of vegetable oil; dinner, 1 steamed bun, 100 grams of tofu , 250 grams of vegetables, 1 scoop of vegetable oil; 250 ml of milk, 3-5 salty biscuits before going to bed.

  "It is worth mentioning that obesity is not only directly related to diet, but also closely related to genetics. Research has found that for teenagers under 20, their parents have normal weight, and the incidence of obesity in their offspring does not exceed 10%; and parents All are obese, and the incidence of obesity in offspring exceeds 70%. Therefore, for the health of our offspring, friends who have not yet become parents should also manage their own weight." Wang Fang said.

  A healthy lifestyle requires scientific exercise.

Wang Fang said that it’s not enough to exercise just "moving". Exercise is a purposeful, planned, and repeatable participation of multiple large muscle groups to promote cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, balance and flexibility. Physical activity is not equal to exercise without bed rest or sitting still, and daily activities cannot replace exercise.

  "The energy consumption of exercise is several times and dozens of times that of quiet. One hour of sitting still consumes 80 kcal, one hour of walking consumes 180 kcal-200 kcal, and 1 hour of running consumes 500 kcal-700 kcal." Wang Fang Said that the choice of exercise method varies from person to person. Generally, you can choose walking, jogging, Tai Chi and swimming.

Exercise should be appropriate, and it is appropriate not to feel fatigue after exercise.

If possible, exercise for 30 minutes a day, at least 3 times a week.

  Wang Fang suggested that the exercise should be carried out in a constant, orderly, and moderate manner.

Wang Fang introduced that the intensity of exercise can be judged through the "heart rate estimation method".

Generally speaking, a person's heart rate at rest will be maintained at (60-100) beats per minute.

The heart rate range formula for moderate-intensity aerobic exercise is: maximum heart rate* (60%-70%), where maximum heart rate = 220-age.

For example, for a 45-year-old man, the maximum heart rate is 220-45=175, and the medium intensity range is 175*(60%-70%)=(105-122) beats/minute.

If the man's heart rate is in the above range after exercise, then he is doing moderate-intensity exercise, if it exceeds it, it is high-intensity, otherwise it is low-intensity.

  Wang Fang especially emphasized that sports should be scientific and should not be exercised at will. It should be carried out step by step according to each person's specific situation, such as age, gender, and physical fitness.


[Keywords: decreased vision]

What can young people do to stay away from myopia

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Zhang Manyu

  Liu Na is 26 years old and has been wearing glasses for more than ten years.

One day in the fourth grade of elementary school, her mother found her squinting while watching TV and asked her if her eyes were uncomfortable.

I went to the hospital for an examination and found that I was nearsighted.

Although the number of myopia has not increased much in recent years, she has changed more than a dozen pairs of glasses, and the most expensive one has cost more than 3,000 yuan.

  Liu Na worked at home during the epidemic this year. She stared at her computer every day and lay and swiped her mobile phone when she was not working. Although she has resumed work, she still plays on her mobile phone until midnight. "Myopia has deepened, so come here and change the lens. ".

  In our country, more than 600 million people suffer from myopia.

The “China Eye Health White Paper” issued by the National Health Commission on June 5 shows that the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents in my country is 53.6%, among which 6-year-old children are 14.5%, elementary school students are 36%, junior high school students are 71.6%, and high school students are 14.5%. 81%, college students 90%.

  [Expert suggestion]

  Wei Wenbin, Vice President and Director of Ophthalmology Department of Beijing Tongren Hospital:

  Myopia is closely related to using eyes at close range for a long time.

Especially during the epidemic, children and adolescents must not only avoid going out, but also learn through online classes, which will undoubtedly lead to the occurrence of myopia or the deepening of myopia.

  How do children and adolescents use their eyes reasonably?

Wei Wenbin suggested to avoid using electronic products and watching TV for a long time.

When choosing electronic products, we must adhere to the principle of “narrowing the big, not the small”, and the order of selection is projection, TV, computer, tablet, and mobile phone.

Non-learning use of electronic products does not exceed 15 minutes, and the cumulative total does not exceed 1 hour per day.

After 30 to 40 minutes of online learning, take a break with your eyes closed or look into the distance for 10 minutes.

Do eye exercises carefully after continuing to use your eyes to fully rest your eyes.

When reading and writing, keep the "three ones", hand one inch away from the pen tip, one foot away from the book, and punch your chest away from the desk.

  In addition, we must get rid of bad eye habits.

Do not read or use electronic products while eating or lying in bed. Do not read or write in low light or direct sunlight. Turn on the headlights and desk lamps in the room during reading and writing. The desk lamps should have sufficient and uniform brightness and color temperature. Books and paper Hardcover coated paper should be avoided to reduce the occurrence of glare.

You can set a screensaver wallpaper with a green background to relieve eye fatigue.

  Wei Wenbin suggested that elementary school students sleep 10 hours a day, junior high school students 9 hours, and high school students 8 hours.

If children are found to tilt their heads, frequently squint, wink and other abnormal conditions, they should be carefully observed and go to the hospital if necessary.

  In April this year, the National Health Commission issued the "Guidelines for the Prevention of Myopia in Children and Adolescents During the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic", which specifically mentioned that outdoor activities are the simplest and most effective way to prevent myopia. Full exposure to sunlight can effectively prevent the occurrence and development of myopia. .

Ensure more than two hours of outdoor activities every day; encourage children and adolescents to walk to and from school, walk out of the classroom between classes, and do outdoor activities after school in the afternoon and complete homework to increase outdoor sunlight exposure.

  For children and adolescents who have myopia, Wei Wenbin said that once myopia is diagnosed, he should intervene and wear glasses if his degree is greater than 100 degrees.

"First, we should go to the hospital for identification, distinguish between true myopia, asthenopia and false myopia."

  Wei Wenbin reminded that if adults watch electronic screens for a long time, their myopia may continue to deepen and cause fundus diseases.

This is also the most important cause of blindness.

"The deepening of myopia in middle-aged and elderly people may be related to the occurrence and development of cataracts. Therefore, office workers should also pay attention to eye care and perform eye examinations when necessary to avoid delays in treatment."

  Guo Xin, Director of School Health, Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

  When reading and writing, choosing a suitable desk is conducive to protecting young people's vision and preventing myopia.

It cannot be replaced by a dining table, dining chair or bed.

Inappropriate tables and chairs will have a great impact on sitting posture and visual distance, leading to diseases such as myopia and curvature of the spine.

Ensure that children and adolescents sit on a chair with their thighs and calves vertical, their backs straight, their upper arms drooping, and their elbows 3-4 cm below the tabletop.


[Keywords: anxiety]

Encountered anxiety?

Acceptance, moderate catharsis, and active response

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Xia Jin, trainee reporter Chen Ding

  "Anxiety usually comes very suddenly, mostly in the middle of the night. At a certain moment when reading a book, scrolling through a circle of friends, or chatting with friends, you suddenly fall into anxiety, your heart rate increases, and you can’t continue to focus on what you are doing. , And sometimes even want to cry a lot." Xu Lu (pseudonym), 27 years old this year, is an employee of a foreign company.

He said that he used to feel anxious because he was in a state without ideals and goals, but now he is anxious because he has an ideal, but he does not know whether it can be achieved or when it will be achieved.

"After I work, I am always dissatisfied with my current self. I am afraid of seeing others take the lead in completing what I want to do. I am afraid of being compared with others in my field. I don't want to lose or spend mediocrity. Throughout life, when the emotions after being unwilling to be enlarged gradually become anxiety. I often think: When you indulge yourself with anxiety, maybe others are working hard, you have to act immediately. And the more so Thinking about it, I became more anxious again."

  Contrary to Xu Lu, Cao Shu (pseudonym)’s anxiety is “doing things he doesn’t like but don’t know what he really wants to do.” Cao Shu is 23 years old this year. His first job after graduation was with his parents. He chose, but he has no interest in the job at all.

"For a while, the workload and pressure were very heavy. I had to work overtime until late at night almost every day. In my dreams, I was either doing reports or arguing with leaders and colleagues. When I woke up, I felt that my mind was blank. Later, I didn’t talk to my parents. After discussion, I resigned."

  After resigning, Cao Shu had several stormy quarrels with his parents. After getting tired, he locked himself in the room and listened to his father shouting through the door of the room, "Then what are you doing?" After calming down for a few days , He decided to study abroad, but later encountered the epidemic, the plan to study abroad was shelved.

"I am often anxious now because I don't know what to do in the future, I don't have a clear goal, and I don't want to do things that I don't want to do against my will. I always feel that anxiety will continue to haunt me until I find a direction and prove myself. When I am anxious, I will suddenly I feel at a loss for what to do and cannot continue doing anything. I always feel at ease and irritable. Even at this time, I feel painful to recall that feeling."

  [Expert suggestion]:

  Ishikawa, Director of the Clinical Evaluation Center of Peking University Sixth Hospital:

  The core of anxiety is uncertainty, not knowing what will happen.

Anxiety can be expressed as worry and fear, or as various physical symptoms.

  Anxiety has various forms. It can be divided into mental anxiety and physical anxiety in terms of performance, and can be divided into chronic generalized anxiety and acute panic attack in terms of seizures.

  Mental anxiety is manifested as excessive mental worry and generalization.

Due to the long-term mental tension, the individual will be irritable, easy to lose his temper, and easy to get angry, and it will affect the individual's brain's understanding and judgment of the world, and will have trouble concentrating and easily distracted.

Long-term anxiety will make the brain in an abnormally active state, which leads to insomnia.

And insomnia can cause new problems, such as decreased memory and slower reactions.

  Anxiety can also produce a series of physical symptoms, such as palpitation, chest tightness, dry mouth, frequent urination, sweating, and even feeling of suffocation or excessive gasping. The muscles will also show particularly tightness, easy to sore, and even trembling.

Acute onset of anxiety, also called panic attack, may manifest as: sudden palpitation, chest tightness, sweating, feeling out of control, and even a sense of dying.

Acute anxiety attacks are relatively short, generally lasting a few minutes or ten minutes, and the longest will not exceed one hour. It is characterized by sudden onset and sudden termination.

  Anxiety actually has its function and meaning.

Anxiety is a kind of stress response when facing major events such as illness and disaster, and it is a normal phenomenon.

It is actually a kind of anti-epidemic function that organisms themselves should have. When encountering a relatively major event, such as this new crown pneumonia epidemic, anxiety is a normal response of people. It is a body's protective mechanism.

  Yang Fude, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital:

  Everyone will have some negative emotions such as anxiety and worry after experiencing a major negative event. These are normal. They should be accepted and allowed to have these emotions, and they should be vented appropriately.

In the face of stress, you can take some positive measures, such as staying in a stable home, eating regularly, and resting regularly.

Maintaining a daily life and a stable mental state helps reduce stress.

A stable mental state can be achieved through some stabilization techniques, such as deep breathing relaxation, music relaxation, meditation training, etc.

Adopting positive coping methods also include regular life, obtaining good social support, communicating and communicating with trusted people such as family and friends, and doing things that are of interest or pleasure.

At the same time, everyone should pay attention to avoiding negative responses, not excessive drinking, smoking, taking drugs, and not overwork and excessive sleep.

  Source: China Youth Daily