
NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) has sworn people to a hard time and days of hardship.

The reports from the intensive care units in Germany are dramatic, said Laschet on Sunday in Düsseldorf.

The number of Covid patients in intensive care units in NRW has quadrupled since October.

Since Saturday, their number has risen to over 1,000.

Only 15 percent of the intensive capacities are still available - “with a downward trend”.

"We now need a pre-quarantine before Christmas and clear measures afterwards," said Laschet.

Hamster purchases and overcrowded inner cities should be avoided.

"The lockdown has to come as soon as possible," said Laschet.


According to Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD), the federal government wants to protect companies and jobs with extended corona financial aid.

Scholz said on Sunday in Berlin after the deliberations of the federal and state governments that it was about livelihoods.

Many have built up a business over many years and are now worried about having to give up.

In view of the tough lockdown, Scholz spoke of extensive support.

The additional aid would have a volume of around eleven billion euros per month.

The Federal Government did not leave companies alone from the beginning of the crisis, said the Vice Chancellor.

He called the adopted tough measures to contain the corona virus necessary.

"The virus does not go on vacation." It is about health and the lives of citizens.

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