Iranian Angelina Jolie sentenced to 10 years in prison

Today, Friday, an Iranian court sentenced 10 years in prison to the star of the Iranian Instagram site, Fatima Khwishund, known as "Sahar Tiber."

The Iranian agency "Rukna" reported, "The girl, Sahar Tabar, who was arrested in October 2019, at the age of 22, was sentenced to 10 years in prison," adding that "Sahar Tabar hopes to obtain a pardon through protest." On the court ruling. "

The defendant said, "I was charged with four charges and I was acquitted of two charges. I do not want to comment on the charges because I hope for amnesty," adding that "the judge sentenced me to 10 years imprisonment, of course the verdict was subject to appeal and I objected to it."

And "Sahar Tiber" gained wide fame on social networking sites, after she posted pictures of her showing that she had undergone plastic surgery, to look like a copy of Angelina Jolie.

Sahar said that she was the only child in an incomplete family, as her parents separated when she was young.

She had dreamed of being famous all her life, but she did not know how to achieve it.

Then I noticed that the vulgar and strange things often gained a lot of likes, and from here I learned Photoshop and makeup to produce an image of her very similar to the world star Angelina Jolie, and she became Iranian Jolie.