Recently, the command center of the Huzhou Highway Traffic Police Detachment received a report from the party concerned that the S13 Lianhang Expressway was less than two kilometers away from the Chongxian hub in the direction of Hangzhou. A car hit the guardrail and hit its own car. It lost control to the right and hit the maintenance work. Construction crew.

  After on-site investigation and later understanding, the Chevrolet was going to return to Hangzhou from Nanxun, with Ms. Li's family of four on board.

At the time of the incident, Ms. Li was driving in the first lane and drove a "small run". She was distracted and drove for a few seconds. The direction was a little bit off to the right. When she found an engineering vehicle nearby, she panicked and hit One direction caused the vehicle to collide with the central guardrail. The tire broke and the hood blocked the front glass. Then the direction went out of control and encountered the construction worker Liu who was working on the hard shoulder. Fortunately, Ms. Li’s family of four tied up as required The safety belt, the personnel were not injured, and the construction worker Liu was not in serious trouble.

  (Shi Qiufeng Zhang Zhewei) 

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]