• MasterChef Celebrity 5. Jordi Cruz explodes in the face of the greatest disaster

  • MomenTVs.MasterChef Celebrity 5 and What Josie Never Deserved








, try to say it several times very quickly.

The F chokes.

There is no


that is not controversial and

MasterChef Celebrity 5 was

not going to be different.

Too quiet this edition was being.

But, the heavy and unnecessary parody of

Florentino Fernández



, there is no one who supports it.

From practically the program one of this edition, Florentino Fernández pulled out of his sleeve a character whom he called


, in an attempt to imitate and exaggerate one of his companions,



A character that there has been no show

MasterChef Celebrity 5

that has not made its stellar appearance and that has not played with the mannered imitation of what

Florentino Fernández

considers to be funny, but which has ended up becoming tiresome, heavy and excessive, and that last night had its zenith with


marriage request


Pepe Rodríguez


You read it and it sounds like bullshit like a piano and it is actually bullshit like a piano, but bullshit that shouldn't have a place on television now.




that recall times past, parodies that offend, that make the viewer jump the chip of this should not be like that, until when is it going to be like that,

why should we continue to see this


You have to go back to several programs to 'understand' the moment lived last night.

Florentino Fernández's


with Flosie is based on harassing

Pepe Rodríguez by

trying to get him to kiss him, love him, hug him.

A parody that is very reminiscent of that Krispin Klander who filled the nights of

Tonight We Cross the Mississippi


In those years the character of

Krispin Klander

was very funny.

He would go out, do his crazy ladybug sketch and no one would activate his chip.

In fact, there was not a child in school who did not try to imitate the mannerisms of this one.

Much has happened since then, but the essence has not changed, what has changed is that Krispin or

Flosie are

no longer so funny or so politically correct.

Now, the chip does activate.

Harsh criticism of Flo's "ladybug" parody



gets me tired

, I'm sorry, but I can't ...";

"I hope


leaves today

, so we won't have to feel embarrassed again by seeing





makes the typical


jokes of a effeminate man as in his time Tuesday and thirteen did.



"Josie's discomfort is the discomfort of all of Spain at home. We don't like


, he liked it in 2000, we are in another moment now";

"The character of


and his ladybug jokes not only blushes, it also encourages harassment of homosexuals among young people", are some of the comments on social networks of how far the viewer of

Flo is



, but, above all by



It is true that


has never shown an iota of discomfort or feel offended with the character created by

Florentino Fernández

, but we are not in Josie's head or in what will seem like

Flo's dummy


And actually I think it's because indeed

Florentino Fernández

created him as a

caricature of


, but much stress, both repeat and both get a

walk, and not even a character who try to



, but

MasterChef Celebrity 5

it has become a part of this edition, believing that, like

Krispin Klander

was funny at the time,

Flosie was

also going to do it.

But things have changed a lot, and

homophobic parodies are

no longer funny.

There are many weeks in which the audience has shown their rejection of this unnecessary humor, but last night the straw broke the camel's back when at the beginning of the program and after



with one of his spectacular models,

Florentino Fernández

returned to become


to ask her marriage, including ring, to

Pepe Rodríguez


You count it and you think, one more.

But it is not one more, there are many more that should have been stopped at some point.

If the

Florentino Fernández




had appeared on the side of a program, absolutely nothing would have happened, and, honestly, I don't know what would be worse.

The problem is that the appearance of


in each program with his gestures, his comments, his attempts to kiss

Pepe Rodríguez

, his caricature of what Flo thinks is someone homosexual have ended up tiring and tiring, really.

Things have changed, the mindset has changed, what we perceive as acceptable or not has changed, and a

Flosie is

no longer.

I understand that for

MasterChef Celebrity 5,

having Florentino Fernández among its applicants and not taking his humor for a walk is complicated, but how much is tiring and how little pleases, and not even how little.

Flosie is not Flo's problem, it's a problem of believing that we can still find this kind of parody, this kind of humor, of imitating "ladybugs" funny.

It is a problem of a mentality that if we do not avoid

Flosies it

will continue to be present.


is the result of not understanding that this no longer fits, that it squeaks, that it is not funny, that it even makes us angry.

There is no room for this humor, for homophobic grotesques, for absurd imitations that all they do is provoke rejection in the audience.

And no, this is not about offended or not, this is about the fact that television today is not for these things.

It is not for ridiculous marriage proposals, nor for races through the set jumping on top of whoever it is to try to kiss them, nor for mannered gestures that parody and ridicule, nor to bring out "the ladybug" that you think is going to start a smile.



, nor


, nor


are funny, and that's very good because it shows that the time of the Krispin Klander has passed into history for the viewer.

Perhaps the televisions and, in this case, RTVE, should begin to learn from their viewers.

Celia Villalobos and Máximo Huerta, history of TV

But leaving aside the controversy that

MasterChef Celebrity 5

was missing

, last night's show was a real madness, an important christ.

In the first test of the night and after the grotesque pantomime of

Florentino Fernández

and his


, the applicants faced the game of gastronomic bingo.

Ainhoa ​​Arteta

, the best of the outdoor test of the previous program, was in charge of distributing the bingo cards where the contestants found the ingredients, techniques and utensils that they would have to use in the first cooking of the night.

As balls came out and crossed out on the cardboard, each one was discovering what they could cook with and what not.

Whoever sang line could add two ingredients from the supermarket to their cooking.

The one who sang bingo could enter the supermarket as many times as he wanted during the test and take all the ingredients he wanted.

With a

Boris Izaguirre

as master of ceremonies and as 'singer' of balls,

Celia Villalobos

took the cake.

Not only did she sing line but she also sang bingo and, of course, she was the winner by a landslide in the test, where the applicants had to feed some very special guests, their friends.

It was a historic moment in the history of



Two former ministers, one 'popular' and the other socialist, embracing in a prime time entertainment program on public television.

I speak of, of course,

Celia Villalobos

, and the shortest minister in the history of Spain, Máximo Huerta, who was one of

Gonzalo Miró's



As much as the diners tried to guess which of all the dishes was their friend's, the reality was that

Celia Villalobos'

hake in green sauce

got all the praise and almost all the votes.


Gonzalo Miró's





matched each one's plate, which of course they voted for.

But nothing would have changed the win by

Celia Villalobos

, who not only took the glory of being the most voted, but also got the golden apron, the apron that ensures one more week on

MasterChef Celebrity 5



Gonzalo Miró

hadn't killed

for that apron!

Last week he used his immunity pin and this week he ended up being sent off in one of the tightest elimination tests of this edition.

They were all happy and pleased with their friends visiting when

MasterChef Celebrity 5

decided to give their outdoor test a spin.

The program moved to Las Ramblas in Barcelona to pay tribute to the victims of the 2017 attacks. Everything seemed to indicate that

Celia Villalobos

would once again be captain and she would get involved again, but no.

MasterChef Celebrity 5

added a new ingredient, the captainship of two Michelin star chefs:

Oriol Castro


Mateu Casañas


The two chefs, owners together with Eduard Xatruch of the restaurants


, in Barcelona, ​​and


, in Cadaqués, were not only in charge of designing the menus with which the applicants would delight 80 diners, but they also had to captain the equipment.

Oriol Castro

stayed with the blue team, made up of

Celia Villalobos


Florentino Fernández


Ainhoa ​​Arteta


Raquel Meroño

, while

Mateu Casañas

had to deal with



Gonzalo Miró


Nicolás Coronado

and, especially, with

La Terremoto de Alcorcón

that last night had his big night.

Flower, the karma of Florentino Fernández

Celia Villalobos'

betrayal of

La Terre by not choosing her for his team when he had promised her in an attempt to smoke the peace pipe promised a warm outdoor test.

They say they love each other, but in reality neither one supports the other, nor the other supports one.

But surprisingly, the presence of the two chefs in the kitchens of

MasterChef Celebrity 5

brought more than sanity to the cooks of each team.

It was



, and who is




Florentino Fernández


If for every time Oriol Castro called



Florentino Fernández

I I would have taken a shot, now would fart.

I think it was karma.

So much


and so much host, and in the end

Florentino Fernández

received two Michelin stars of his own medicine from the hand of a chef.

I do not know if

Oriol Castro

was aware that he was calling




or did it

unconsciously plunged into the culinary pressure test outdoors.

But be that as it may,


wasn't freaking funny.

The first time


called him



corrected him.

The following ones, she tried to turn a deaf ear and accept that she would have no choice but to become a


, but nothing of grace, perhaps the same little grace that


is for many people


Tit for tat.



living it in her own flesh, finally




must die.

I doubt it, but hope is the last thing you lose.

The fact is that even with

or without


, the blue team worked much better than the red team.

The presence of



La Terre

in the red team made

Mateu Casañas

live, in his words, an authentic "religious experience".

What did i expect?

I prefer a thousand times a


and a


as ladies at the stretcher table, than the test pain that

Gonzalo Miró did

, who spent all the cooking making olive-shaped spherifications and not to mention he did not say or ay!



recommending 'the cook blogger' to use herbal soap to remove makeup or giving a 'master' class on how to peel anchovies.

And that


, given to

Mateu Casañas

, for whom he would have given all his wigs, was simply MA-RA-VI-LLO-SO.

I swear I hadn't laughed so much on a MasterChef test in my life.

But the joking of the reds, had its consequences when it came to taking out the dishes.

His first, two anchovies about I don't know how many things, it ended up being an anchovy and they gave thanks, because almost not even that.

They put that dish on me and as the recording of the show ends I run to the first MacDonalds I find and eat the whole kitchen.

But, the truth is that cleaning more than 160 anchovies should not be easy and much less fast, and if you put



La Terre on top of it

, then turn off and let's go.

No military discipline, no orders, nothing at all,

La Terre

and Josie are from another world, and I want to be in it.

Gonzalo Miró, expelled

With this result, it was more than obvious that the red team was heading to the elimination test, where

Nicolás Coronado


Gonzalo Miró


La Terre



would have to prepare a sample of chocolates and truffles of which not only their taste but also its originality.

Oh, that immunity pin that

Gonzalo Miró

wasted last week!

Without pin of the imumidad he was cannon fodder and the cannon ended up ridding him.

The Alcorcón Earthquake

once again surprised judges and colleagues by presenting three cocholate chocolates, with ganache and orange and three coffee truffles and spicy flavors;

curry and truffle with ganache and confined orange.

". The chocolate explodes in the mouth and the texture of the truffles are fantastic", better impossible.

It was, without a doubt, the best of the test and the first to go up to the balcony of the liberated.



Nicolás Coronado





, all of them with very similar elaborations and what is worse with very similar failures.

The judges had him really hunchbacked to choose who of the three would leave, but the problems in developing the technique that Gonzalo Miró had and how liquid his truffle remained was what led to his elimination.

Gonzalo Miró

not only stopped being one of the winning horses - now, that honor

belongs to Nicolás Coronado

- but he ended his journey through

MasterChef Celebrity 5

, leaving a

Florentino Fernández

touched and sunk, really.

Who is he going to fight now?

Who will put up with him? Who will play his game?

His better half leaves, the favorite leaves, the edition mole leaves, the one who said he did not cook and then started with a plate of milk.

MasterChef Celebrity 5

has entered its final stretch.

There is nothing and less to meet its brand new winner and it is time to fix the damage, it is time to learn from the controversies and let it not tarnish one of the best editions of

MasterChef Celebrity

that are remembered.

Let's leave the


and the


, let's leave that dandruff, that reminiscence of memories of the past that are not completely erased.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Masterchef

  • RTVE

Lucía Dominguín, expelled MasterChef Celebrity 5 |

Jordi Cruz explodes in the face of the greatest disaster

Lucía Dominguín and Perico Delgado, expelled MasterChef Celebrity 5 loses his head and destroys Lucía Dominguín and Perico Delgado

Laura Sánchez, expelled from MasterChef Celebrity 5 and what Josie never deserved

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