A British photographer tracks a path buried in sand in Abu Dhabi


With a collection of stunning images;

British UAE-based photographer Liam Clayton revealed a deserted road that is one of the most unique sites found in the Emirates, explaining that the road is located towards the Liwa desert, two hours from Abu Dhabi.

Clayton, through his account on "Instagram", published a set of pictures of the road, which he took from the top at different intervals by "Dragon Camera", indicating in a report published by "CNN Arabia" that he used to go to the deserted road over the years, noting how the desert sands changed Of his features, expressing his belief that over the next few years, the road will completely disappear from view.

Clayton said he often browsed websites and Google Maps for hours on end, seeking to find potentially attractive sites from above.

Adding: "I drive long distances to the sites in broad daylight without accompanying the camera, simply to take notes from the site, to make sure that it is safe, and to commit to not violating any privacy."

The British photographer pointed out that photographing the road was not easy, as he faced many failed attempts when trying to document the site from the air in the early morning, due to fog or clouds that prevent the sunrise, which makes photographing aerial photography in the morning a difficult task, according to what he mentioned.

While the most prominent aerial shot in his series of documentation of this deserted road is of the "beautiful sunrise scene right in the middle of the road", which he took a few months ago, after many failed attempts.

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