The C8 channel broadcasts this Wednesday at 9.15 pm a documentary "From Charlie Hebdo to Bataclan, the last secrets of the 2015 attacks", which looks back on 2015, "dramatically historical", through the prism of the series of attacks that have bereaved France. 

Five years ago, France was hit by the deadliest attacks in its history.

On November 13, 2015, just a few months after the

Charlie Hebdo

and Hyper Kosher attacks, several coordinated attacks hit the Stade de France, the Bataclan and terraces in eastern Paris.

The results: 131 dead and 413 injured.

The C8 channel is broadcasting this Wednesday at 9.15 pm a documentary on 2015 as a whole, through the prism of these attacks, entitled

"From Charlie Hebdo to the Bataclan, the last secrets of the 2015 attacks". 

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At the microphone of Europe 1, director Jérôme Korkikian explains why he opted for this angle rather than focusing on the dark days of 2015. "There have already been documentaries that have dealt very well with the attacks, that is to say in January , that is to say November. We, what interested us, was to deal with the whole of this year, because it marks a real turning point by its scale, by the succession of attacks ", he analyzes .

"This is a dramatically historic year for France. And the fact of studying and aligning this series of attacks also allows us to take the field and put these events into perspective in a larger context, which is geopolitical, in which France intervenes in Syria and contributes, through its foreign policy, to increasing the threat on its soil ", continues the director.

Behind the scenes of 2015

In this new documentary, Jérôme Korkikian evokes the last secrets of the 2015 attacks. "The secrets are also to be behind the scenes, with the people who were in power at that time, who tell us how they got it. lived from the inside, ”he reveals.

"Secrets are also little anecdotes, decisions to be made, convictions that were not necessarily brought to the fore in 2015 and which emerge more easily today."

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Among the personalities interviewed, François Hollande, then President of the Republic but also the Minister of the Interior at the time, Bernard Cazeneuve, the Public Prosecutor François Molins, members of the GIGN and the RAID who intervened on the spot, or the head of the Bataclan vigils.