The eighth newsletter - your publication (10/30/2020) - the tweeters split in America about the Biden section between those who praised him and described him as modest, and those who saw that the clip was a political game through which he tries to sympathize with the voters before the elections.

On the other hand, US President Donald Trump is still circling the orbit of the economy after the announcement of the gross domestic product figures. In a tweet he posted today, Trump said, “The gross domestic product is 33.1% - intended to increase by this percentage - the best in the history of the United States. If elected, it will be the year. Coming is the best year we've ever had. "

The Facebook platform had banned an advertisement by Democratic candidate Joe Biden by mistake, and the platform had previously announced that it would stop publishing political ads a week before the US elections, but it banned ads that were submitted by the campaign before the platform’s decision came into effect.

The Facebook platform returned to retract the ban, and apologized for what it described as a technical error.