Coronavirus: What to remember from Emmanuel Macron's announcements on the curfew -

20 Minutes

"We paralyze the country because there is a lack of space in hospitals," lamented the president of the Association of Emergency Physicians of France (Amuf) on Wednesday evening, after the announcement of curfews by Emmanuel Macron.

“We feel that the president understood the gravity of the crisis, but he does not take the measure of the hospital crisis.

And we must paralyze the country because hospitals lack beds, ”responded Patrick Pelloux.

“They are trying to curb the epidemic.

But this "curfew" - and I do not understand this language of war - will not stop the epidemic.

We find ourselves in the same logic as in the spring, ”continued the doctor.

"He does not respond to the priority which is to reopen beds in the hospital"

Emmanuel Macron announced Wednesday that curfews would be imposed from Saturday for a month, or even until December 1, in Ile-de-France and in eight metropolises from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., to cope with the resurgence of the epidemic of Covid-19.

"I regret that he did not call for general mobilization for hospitals by asking the 60,000 health workers who left the hospital to return during the crisis to deflate the pressure," added the president of Amuf.

It does not respond to the priority which is to reopen beds in the hospital ”.


Coronavirus: The main measures announced by Emmanuel Macron


Coronavirus: What you need to know about the curfew announced by Emmanuel Macron

  • Emmanuel Macron

  • Covid 19

  • Curfew

  • Coronavirus

  • Patrick Pelloux