Guest of "It feels good" for the play "The last day of fasting", whose performances begin on October 16 at the Théâtre de Paris, the Caesarized actress Ariane Ascaride recounts the beginnings of her feminism, between haircuts and clandestine abortions . 


It's a child's haircut that sowed the seed of feminism in her.

Ariane Ascaride begins on October 16 the performances of the 

Last Day of the Fast

at the Théâtre de Paris.

On this occasion, she is the guest of 

It feels good

, on Europe 1, and tells Anne Roumanoff how her commitment to women's rights was born.

>> Find all of Anne Roumanoff's shows in replay and podcast here

The key issue of abortion

Actress Ariane Ascaride explains that she began to truly experience herself as a feminist when several of her friends had to abort, at a time when abortion was still illegal.

"I have had friends who secretly went to the kitchens for an abortion," she recalls.

"Seeing women suffer martyrdom for not having a child, when sometimes they did not understand how they got pregnant, it was really something that was very trigger." 

The actress also pays tribute to the women who fought for this right.

Fortunately, there was the movement called The MLAC [Movement for the Freedom of Abortion and Contraception]. It was a very, very important movement - with Simone de Beauvoir, Gisèle Halimi, and others - who got a law to recognize abortion. "


When Ariane Ascaride explains why her father was afraid that she would become an actress

The freedom of a child's haircut

But the first seed of feminism germinates in Ariane Ascaride from childhood.

"One day, my hair was cut very short, I looked like a little boy. And I realized that, in the street, it was a lot easier when you were a little boy," he explains. -she.

"So I had a lot of fun being a tomboy. I had a lot more freedom. Little by little, I said to myself, 'I don't see why me, if I let my hair grow, I couldn't. do the same things I did when I had short hair '. "

Several decades later, this commitment is obvious to Ariane Ascaride.

"I do not know if I am a committed actress", she wonders.

But I only have one life.

I only have one.

Everyone only has one, but I don't want to suffer it!

It's the only thing I own, my life.

I pretty much want to do what I want! "