The third anniversary of the historic and decisive speech of Felipe VI serves to highlight the extraordinary role played by the monarch in dealing with the independence riot.

Faced with the paralysis of the Rajoy Government, the Head of State left on October 3 to defend the Constitution.

He did not exceed, as his detractors argue, the neutral function that is constitutionally entrusted to him.

He bluntly proclaimed that the Catalan authorities had placed themselves outside

legality and recalled the role of the Crown as guarantor of freedoms, the constitutional framework and the rule of law.

Without respect for the law, as Felipe VI emphasized, there is no possible democratic coexistence in peace and freedom.

His words embraced in a special way all Catalans - whom the separation laws sought to deprive of their citizenship rights - and renewed the King's commitment to the unity and permanence of Spain. Three years have passed since that speech and the main one What is new is not that the independentistas prolong their challenge by defending unacceptable unilateralism.

The most serious thing at this time is that the Government helped in the diatribes against the King.

As we explain today, the truths that the monarch verbalized on 3-O are uncomfortable for Sánchez and Iglesias.

Among them, the denunciation of the disloyalty of nationalism, the passivity of the Government -now turned into collusion-, the division of Catalan society caused by the sovereign process, the loneliness of constitutionalism or the condemnation of economic decline.

Separatism used the intervention of Felipe VI as a subterfuge to redouble the invectives against the Crown, aware that the parliamentary monarchy is one of the vaulting keys of constitutional architecture.

Now, after the

Frankentein coalition

aupara Sánchez, the same forces that perpetrated the 1-O coup exercise a decisive weight in the governance of the country before an Executive that, in addition to applying an unacceptable veto to the presence of the King in Barcelona, ​​opens to grant pardon to The prisoners.

This explains that Podemos, explicitly;

and Sánchez, deviously, attack the King without any embarrassment.

It is dramatic for the nation that a party like the PSOE, founder of the democracy of 78, has joined the campaign against the Crown.

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