Caregivers from the Pitié-Salpétrière intensive care unit in April 2020 -


The AP-HP (Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris) is considering canceling the leave of its staff from this month, especially during the All Saints holidays, according to a note sent to its human resources managers on Friday.

The AP-HP specified that it was a measure "incentive on the basis of voluntary service", intended to face the second wave of the epidemic of coronavirus.

"From October, the constraints of continuity of service linked to the epidemic context are likely to lead to the cancellation of a majority of the days of leave initially programmed, in particular during the period of school holidays of Toussaint", indicates this note revealed by France Inter.

"However, when service requirements allow, the benefit of annual vacation days and RTT may be maintained," adds the document.

Paid canceled days

In order to compensate for these cancellations, “the days worked on days of vacation or rest planned before the date of publication of this note will be paid in overtime, revalued by 50% like all the overtime worked from the 1st October ”.

In this context, the conditions for funding the time savings accounts (CET) of non-medical personnel are relaxed: the number of days that can be deposited in 2020 increases to 20 against 10. For medical personnel, the days of leave not taken will be switched to the CET, within the limit of 30 days, instead of 20 previously.

Ile-de-France in a "maximum alert zone"

“Exceptional” measures are taken to facilitate childcare.

The AP-HP will be able to cover the costs of home care for agents who have canceled their leave to ensure continuity of care: up to 50 hours per child.

Thursday, Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health, indicated that the capital and its inner suburbs have "crossed the three thresholds which may correspond to the maximum alert zone", synonymous with radical restrictions such as the total closure of bars, restaurants and other activities.


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  • Paris

  • Hospital

  • Coronavirus

  • Health

  • Covid 19

  • Society

  • APHP