In September, the "Science" rumors list was released: "Quantum Proplastic" can prevent cancer and cure diabetes and hypertension?

"Segmented sleep method" sleeps less and better?

No basis

  Seafood contains a lot of microplastics and destroy the body of Chinese people?

Too pulled

  In the autumn, a large number of seafood and aquatic products are on the market. Legend has it that the large amounts of microplastics in seafood are destroying the bodies of Chinese people. Is it true?

Can "quantum original plastic" prevent cancer and cure diabetes, hypertension and skin diseases?

Using only 4 hours a day "segmented sleep method", can really sleep "high efficiency"?

A few drops of eye drops can effectively treat cataracts?

The above-mentioned so-called "health knowledge" circulating on the Internet has no basis.

In September, the scientific rumors list was released, and these rumors about the health of the foolish people were broken one by one.

  The "Monthly'Science' Rumor List" is under the guidance of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Association, the Beijing Municipal Office of the Internet Information Office, and the Capital Internet Association, and is jointly released by the Beijing Science and Technology Journalists and Editors Association and the Beijing regional website in conjunction with the rumor rejection platform.


  "Quantum Original Plastic" can prevent cancer, diabetes and hypertension

  Truth: The rumor that Quantum Original Plastic (Mineral Drinking Liquid) is magnetized water magnetized by quantum technology, rich in more than 100 kinds of natural minerals and trace elements, drinking this water can prevent cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, skin diseases, etc. Many diseases.

This statement cannot be verified.

Quantum technology is basically still in the experimental stage, and there is still a certain distance from practicality.

So-called "quantum products" such as these quantum drink liquids have nothing to do with quantum.

  "Quantum" is a physical concept, proposed by German physicist Planck in 1900, and it is the indivisible smallest unit that describes a physical quantity in the microscopic world.

At present, quantum theories such as quantum mechanics are progressing rapidly, and quantum precision measurement, quantum communication, quantum computing, etc. have all made great progress.

In particular, quantum precision measurement and quantum secure communication have already begun practical applications.

  Although quantum effects may exist in life phenomena, such as biological navigation and photosynthesis, experiments are very difficult because these phenomena are too macro.

Many so-called "quantum products" are exaggerated propaganda by businesses.

To judge whether a commodity is quantum or not, it depends on whether it uses quantum coherence and superposition. If it is not used, it is not a quantum product.


  "Segmented sleep method" sleeps less and better

  Truth: It is said that "only 4 hours of sleep a day, and strict implementation of the segmented sleep method, that is, sleep for 2 hours first, wake up by the alarm clock, stay fully awake for 1 hour, and then sleep for 2 hours. This This way you sleep less and sleep well.” This sleep pattern is just an example, and there is no comprehensive physical examination before and after comparison. It is just a personal subjective feeling and is less convincing.

Generally, to prove whether a method is effective in medicine, it is necessary to adopt evidence-based medicine methods, that is, random, double-blind, large sample, long-term research, and statistically processed research data that has significant differences before it can be proved scientifically effective and can be promoted.

  Current research shows that adults sleep between 6.5 and 7.4 hours and have the lowest mortality rate, while less than 4.5 hours or more than 9.4 hours have a significantly higher mortality rate.

If you don’t sleep for 19 hours, your mental and physical state is the same as drunk.

Insufficient sleep can easily lead to decreased immunity, obesity, affect sexual function, and accelerate the growth of cancer cells, and the risk of bowel cancer, prostate cancer or breast cancer is higher.

Recently, the World Health Organization has regarded insufficient sleep as a carcinogenic factor.

People over 45 years old who sleep less than 6 hours a night have a 200% higher probability of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction than those who sleep seven or eight hours.

  For most adults, it is recommended to sleep 6 to 8 hours a day, too little or too much sleep is not good.

Sleeping between 9 pm and 10 pm is the most scientific, and sleeping beyond 11 pm is considered staying up late.

A good sleep standard is to fall asleep in bed for about 15 minutes, and you can fall asleep quickly after getting up at night.


  Microplastics in seafood are killing countless Chinese people

  The truth: The statement that "microplastics may be contained in seafood" did not appear recently. As early as 2018, it has already attracted the attention of scientists.

Microplastics are widespread in nature.

Austrian scientists once did an experiment. They selected a volunteer from 8 Asian and European countries including Finland, Japan, and Russia to conduct diet control experiments. The stool samples they finally provided showed that in 8 samples, they found more Up to 9 types of microplastics.

However, whether these microplastics cause substantial harm to the human body is still unknown.

So far, no research has shown that microplastics in seafood have visible harm to human health.

Moreover, when it comes to the impact of food safety on the human body, one must talk about dosage.

This is similar to the principle of food additives. Small or trace amounts of microplastics can hardly have a substantial impact on the human body.

  In terms of policies and regulations, my country’s seafood products currently have the national standard GB2733-2015 "National Food Safety Standard for Fresh and Frozen Animal Aquatic Products", which limits the content of volatile basic nitrogen and histamine, the limits of pollutants, and the Toxoid limits, the content of food additives, and even seafood that needs to be kept alive before processing have all made detailed regulations, delineating the red line of seafood product safety and hygiene.

  At present, the safety of seafood in my country is relatively high, which also benefits from the rapid development of the aquaculture industry.

Nearly 80% of the seafood consumed in my country each year comes from aquaculture farms, which is not "fishing at sea" in the traditional sense. Therefore, the public does not have to worry too much about the so-called "microplastic invasion" problem.


  Eye drops can effectively treat cataracts

  Truth: Eye drops do not have such a magical effect.

Antibacterial eye drops are mainly used for infectious inflammation of the eyelids, lacrimal ducts, conjunctiva, cornea, etc. Eye drops can be used to lubricate the eyeball, relieve visual fatigue, relieve trachoma, and reduce red blood streaks.

  Cataract is an organic disease, and the patient's lens appears cloudy.

If you compare your eyes to a camera, cataracts are equivalent to "sticking" a piece of tape on the lens.

There is no other way except tear off the tape.

Both domestic and foreign authoritative ophthalmology treatment research institutions believe that surgery is the only effective treatment for cataract.

Therefore, any eye drops that claim to be able to treat cataracts are false propaganda.


  A vacuum flask that can be sucked by a magnet is a good vacuum flask

  Truth: Whether stainless steel is magnetic, can really distinguish the quality of the vacuum flask?

it's not true.

According to the national standard GB9684-2011 "National Food Safety Standard Stainless Steel Products", stainless steel materials for food utensils include austenitic stainless steel, austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steel, ferritic stainless steel, etc., of which austenitic stainless steel There is no magnetism.

  The more common 304 and 316 stainless steels are non-magnetic austenitic stainless steels. The main alloying elements are iron, chromium, and nickel, and the price is relatively high.

Low nickel (saving nickel) manganese-containing austenitic stainless steel is also non-magnetic. It uses manganese and nitrogen to replace part of the nickel, which is relatively cheap, but its performance and safety are not bad.

In addition, referring to my country’s current multiple related standards for thermal insulation containers, a qualified thermal insulation cup should meet the requirements in terms of thermal insulation performance, odor, impact resistance, tightness, handle and lifting ring connection fastness, and material hygiene and safety. .

Therefore, whether it has magnetism is not a criterion for judging the quality of a vacuum flask.

  In addition, it should be noted that people who are allergic to metal elements must check the specific composition of the corresponding stainless steel online according to the marked stainless steel grade.

For example, people who are allergic to nickel should not choose 304 stainless steel products, and people who are allergic to manganese should not choose stainless steel products containing manganese.

Text / reporter Li Jie