Iraq bids farewell to actor Nizar al-Samarrai

Samurai passed away at the age of 75.


Yesterday, the Iraqi Artists Syndicate mourned the actor Nizar al-Samarrai, who died the night before last in the capital, Baghdad, at the age of 75.

Al-Samarrai also mourned a number of Iraqi artists on social media, including Mahmoud Abu al-Abbas, Abd al-Sattar al-Rubaie, Sabri al-Ramahi, Nizar Shahid al-Fada'am and Muhannad al-Hadi.

Al-Samarrai was born in 1945 in the city of Hilla, in the Babel Governorate, in central Iraq, and he was passionate about sports and cinema together.

He began his artistic career with the theater in 1966 when he participated in the play "Beit Abu Kamal", after which he performed nearly 50 plays, in addition to his directing experience in more than one work.

He participated in dozens of soap operas and TV shows, and presented more than 20 films, such as "Houses in That Alley", "Al-Qadisiyah" and "Baghdad Outside Baghdad."

He also had an experience in Egyptian cinema in the movie "Eyes Never Sleep", opposite Farid Shawky and Ahmed Zaki.

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