The second season of "China in Stories" starts broadcasting Huang Wenxiu's final information during his lifetime

  "Hopefully there is still a chance to learn lessons and make corrections"

  On October 2, the second season of "China in Stories" was broadcast on CCTV Comprehensive Channel.

The first episode of "The Road to Poverty Alleviation" tells the touching story of Huang Wenxiu, the first secretary in the village.

  "I hope there is still a chance to learn lessons and make corrections." On June 17, 2019, Huang Wenxiu, the former first secretary of Baini Village in Guangxi, was tragically killed by a mountain torrent. This was the last WeChat message she sent using her mobile phone.

  At that time, she was sitting in the car and saw that there were other vehicles in danger, so she sent a message to her colleague and said: "One of them has been washed away by water. I don't know what to do." The colleague blamed her for walking at night in the rain. After she replied to the above-mentioned message, there was no "opportunity for correction".

  Xu Shundong, one of the authors of "Huang Wenxiu's Diary of Poverty Alleviation", told this story of Huang Wenxiu.

Xu Shundong recalled in the show that the last time he saw Huang Wenxiu was in May 2019.

"She came to me to chat and said that her job in Baini Village had improved, but her family had a problem, and her father was sick." At that time, just one month before Huang Wenxiu's death, Xu Shundong learned that her father was sick. Things.

Before this, Huang Wenxiu had never mentioned it to anyone.

Xu Shundong said: "It is a four-hour drive from Baini Village to Baise, and Baise to Tianyang is almost an hour away. She ran in Baini Village, Baise Hospital, and Tianyang. She was already exhausted. I think her mood is relatively low." Huang Wenxiu silently carried all the pressure at home, carried her work of poverty alleviation, and moved forward.

In Huang Wenxiu's diary, she carefully described every road and every household in her village.

Her footprints were printed on this road, and she sacrificed on this road.

  The stage play "The Road to Poverty Alleviation" based on Huang Wenxiu's deeds is also a work stepped in the dirt.

During the creation process, Director Tian Qinxin went to the Baise area of ​​Guangxi to conduct research and surveys, face-to-face talks with local farmers and poverty alleviation cadres, and went to the Baini Village branch where Huang Wenxiu worked before her death, and where she died , Understand the touching deeds of Secretary Huang rooted in the grassroots.

When interviewed by the host Sa Beining on the show, Director Tian Qinxin choked up in tears several times, and the scenes that touched her during the field interviews were all artistically presented in her works.

  Text/Reporter Zu Weiwei