Irreplaceable, the dollar?

International issues "The reign of the dollar".

French Documentation

By: Marie-France Chatin Follow

1 min

The reign of the dollar god seems endless.

Still there, despite the crises… Instrument of American hegemony.

And precisely with this hegemony which is running out of steam, the withdrawal of America which operates on the slogan "America first", the question may arise.

Is the dollar still irreplaceable?

To what extent can the Yuan or the Euro threaten it in the medium term?



Françoise Nicolas

, director of the Asia Center of IFRI.

Teacher at Sciences Po

Patrick Allard

, consultant to the Center for Analysis, Forecasting and Strategy of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Former senior official at the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Serge Sur

, professor emeritus at Paris 2. Editor-in-chief of the Revue Questions internationales “Le regne du dollar”.


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