Dialogue with Li Xueqin

  If you see me and feel relaxed, let's take a break together

  Who is Li Xueqin?

  If Li Xueqin in 2019 became popular because of the two vibrato of "Wu Yifan", then it is not the third season of this year's "Talk Show" that really allows her to show her interesting soul and hidden talents. Genus.

  This Northeast girl who was born in Tieling in 1995 is not pretty on the talk show stage. She is a bit fat and has a Northeast accent.

She had never talked about talk shows before, so she did not conceal the nervousness, helplessness and anxiety during the performance; she must hold the microphone with her left hand when she talks about the jokes, as if it were her fulcrum, and she could not stand steady if she lost it. For you and me who will be a little bit "lost" when encountering difficulties in life.

  It was such a "listen" Li Xueqin who accidentally made it to the finals.

  In the "Talk Show Conference", she successively contributed "I am in love with my boss", "The end of the universe is Tieling", "I have never been competed by so many men", "Left turn is also a right turn" "The great things in the northeast are rich, and Wang Jianguo" and other jokes that make people laugh so much but can't stand it.

Many netizens sighed after watching the show: "Interesting and warm Li Xueqin, I want to be friends with you so much!"

  Her pace of life is much faster than before, and she has tossed around in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenyang and Tieling.

On the day of the interview, her schedule has been clearly arranged-interviews in the morning, shooting in the afternoon, visiting Luo Yonghao's live broadcast room in the evening, and taking the morning flight back to Shenyang the next morning.

  There are many unexpected labels on Li Xueqin, such as Peking University bully, depression, and single-parent family; Li Xueqin has also said a lot of maverick things.

When you understand the real her, you may be able to understand her stories better.

She is red, and she does not deny that she is happier than before.

But after chatting with her, you will find that she maintains the consciousness and guilty conscience as an ordinary person. What she can't get rid of are the most true emotions and the least embellished expressions.

  What I am opposed to is blindly adding value

  Beiqing Daily: Now that you are on fire, do you still feel that you are "not good and ordinary" as before?

  Li Xueqin: There are very few extremely powerful people in this world, and very few extremely low ones. Most of them are in the middle. I may be the one with the better luck among ordinary people.

There are a few gods, all of whom are ordinary people. It's not bad to be able to "live in". There is no need to compete with yourself.

But one thing, if you want to do something, you want to do it well, it should be.

  Beiqing Daily: Have you designed your talk show in terms of rhythm and language text?

  Li Xueqin: No, I will write wherever I think. I will say what the next sentence should be.

Many of my paragraphs are brought up by the rhythm of the Northeastern dialect. It is smooth in my language system, so I will write it. I will not use logic to write a stalk first, and then a flip or something.

  Beiqing Daily: At the end of last year, you completely returned to the Northeast. Did you give up because of bottlenecks in development?

  Li Xueqin: I do it wherever I go. It may be easier to go back to the northeast. Then I will go back. It's that simple.

I don't have that obsession with big cities, I have to mix things up in big cities.

I do this Internet content, which city mix is ​​the same, and it doesn't mean to give up something, then you said that the Northeast is cheaper, why not go back to the Northeast to mix?

  Beiqing Daily: What is your next plan?

  Li Xueqin: I want to continue to talk about offline talk shows and exercise myself. I also suggested that Li Dan can open a theater in Shenyang.

One thing is certain, the boss will finally give me a makeup artist!

  Beiqing Daily: Have you ever expressed your opposition to casual "value", do you think so after participating in the talk show?

  Li Xueqin: What I opposed before was to add value. For example, I drank coffee today, and I want to add value to the coffee when I'm finished. I am opposed to this.

The talk show itself is a language art about expression. In fact, I think there are things to reflect on in the stories I tell. It depends on whether you are willing to think about it.

Many talk show actors can express their opinions directly in words. They are sharp and funny. That's skill, but I'm just now in this industry and the skill is not there.

  Beiqing Daily: Some people say that you are like a high school student in the class. You obviously do well in the exams, but you have to be anxious every time. What do you think?

  Li Xueqin: As for me, I am not happy everyday.

When I was recording an interview with the program group, I was very frank. The director asked me and I said that I didn't get it right because I was really unsure.

It didn't show it deliberately, wouldn't it be more fake to say that you are confident?

  Peking University doesn’t need me to match it, I can just be myself

  Beijing Youth Daily: What do you think of your status as a "Peking University graduate"?

  Li Xueqin: I would not dislike that people associate me with Peking University, but I don't want everyone to ask me anything because of Peking University.

Peking University doesn't need me to be matched. She has too many excellent people. Peking University doesn't know who I am. I just need to be myself.

  Beiqing Daily: Why do you have such an idea that others don't seem to be motivated?

  Li Xueqin: It may be related to my growth experience. From high school to university, I was in a good learning environment, but even when I was in a small place, I was an ordinary person.

I can take exams, but I am not the one who can take exams the most. I have seen too many excellent people, and I am just ordinary.

  Beijing Youth Daily: What has the experience of studying at Peking University brought you?

  Li Xueqin: I am in the journalism department, but I studied advertising. The first year I studied general education. When I was able to choose a major in the second year, I chose advertising for myself. The reason is that I don’t need to write a thesis for advertising. Just do PPT and works.

Most of our final assignments are classroom presentations.

Every time I was the person in our group who went up to show, because other people trembled as soon as they went up, they let me go when they thought I was interesting. I think my ability to speak jokes was developed in class demonstrations. To get a high score, a PPT that may not be good at first, you have to make this thing interesting and beautiful. This is probably the ability that all advertising and Party B people should have.

  Beijing Youth Daily: How do you think some people say that some Peking University students are "elite" and "exquisite egoism"?

  Li Xueqin: If I really become that kind of elite, then I feel that I have less contact with Peking University.

Everyone is free. This is what Peking University taught us. Even when everyone scolded me at the beginning (popular), the students at Peking University supported me very much.

As long as you don't harm society, there is no need for everyone to follow the same path. This is also the spirit of Peking University.

  Everyone lined up, waiting to prescribe a medicine to make them happy

  Beiqing Daily: Recently many reports have connected you with "depression" very closely. Would you mind that?

  Li Xueqin: I don't mind what I dare to say.

This is a common disease. If you walk around in the Sixth Hospital of Beijing Medical University, you will find that this is not a problem at all. Everyone is lining up and waiting for one to make yourself happy. Of medicine.

When you get there, you will think, a person who is in good health, how can he live so hard?

  In fact, depression is like this. You don’t know what it is in the final analysis, but you probably know what it is.

  Beiqing Daily: Why do you think people who are depressed tend to fall into negative emotions?

  Li Xueqin: One characteristic of people who are prone to depression is that they tend to put the responsibility on themselves. If a normal person encounters things, he subconsciously shirks responsibility. The first reaction of many people who are prone to depression is "I didn't do it right" and reflect on themselves. .

I may be genetically inherited from the family. My grandfather and my dad think this way.

I'm afraid that others will trust me, because people think you are capable, but if you have to do it for others, it will be no good to delay people's affairs.

  Beijing Youth Daily: Do you have any suggestions for depression groups?

What do you do to make yourself feel "as if I am fine too"?

  Li Xueqin: No, if you are really in a bad mood, seeing a doctor and taking medicine are the most effective.

In addition, you have to find a friend who is willing to accompany you and listen to you, and don't be afraid to disturb them.

  "The boss thinks I am dead" is not a joke, but a real thing

  Beiqing Daily: Are there any jokes that you thought were great when you wrote them, but the effect is not very good?

  Li Xueqin: It was the "My boss called me at midnight, but I didn't answer it. He thought I was dead."

Except that Mr. Zhang Wei understood and slapped the lamp in seconds, it did not cause a particularly loud laugh, but I like this stalk very much because this is not a joke, this is a real story.

  Another time I took a notice. I left early in the morning and forgot to tell my boss. I was shooting in the studio and my phone turned off. Later, my boss found out that they could not contact me. They were so anxious that they almost called the police. My iPad and computer cracked my iCloud password, and then searched my phone to find my location. Then they were already downstairs when I received the call.

  Beiqing Daily: So far, what do you think is the motivation for your progress?

  Li Xueqin: It's my parents.

Specifically, I wanted to buy a house for them. One day they became ill and I could afford medicine.

I know that Pioneer’s view is that I am myself and my parents are my parents, but as far as my growth experience is concerned, I will take the initiative to put the responsibility of both of them on me.

And they gave me, at least a very great support in spirit, no matter what decision I made, they never stopped me.

  Beiqing Daily: Do you have social fears?

Do you think you are an extrovert or an introvert?

  Li Xueqin: I have social fears, because socializing is the kind of social life. You don't know why you two are socializing here. If the goals of the two parties are different, which behavior may offend each other.

However, if anyone dares to take the initiative to speak to me, we can talk.

  Beijing Youth Daily: How do social fears do a talk show?

  Li Xueqin: I think giving speeches, talk shows, and socializing are two different things, because when you stand there, everyone knows what you want to do. Let's just rush to this and everyone will be immersed in what you are talking about.

  Sometimes fate is like your mother, you feel wronged is unfair, but she has tried her best

  Beiqing Daily: You once said, "My mother was brought up by me", which also poke the pain points of many people towards the original family. Is this the cause of your depression?

  Li Xueqin: Many people think that I have an oppressive mother, but that's not true.

At that time, there was a very big change in my family. My mother and I were very miserable. She suffered a lot outside and was in a bad mood when she went home. In fact, she was also a well-protected girl before.

Although she is my mother, I am relatively early and I feel that I have to support her emotionally. At that time, no one in the world could pick up her emotions, only me.

  Beiqing Daily: How would you describe the relationship between you and your mother?

  Li Xueqin: Actually, my mother only needs to be taken care of by me during that period of time. After that year, she has become much better. Actually, my mother is a very quaint woman. My mother and I are very good friends. They are the people who trust and support each other most in the world, but they are not as bitter as everyone thinks.

  Beiqing Daily: Actually, you have no complaints against the original family?

  Li Xueqin: I can't deny that my native family has brought me some characters that are not easy, such as flattering personality.

But sometimes fate is like your mother.

You feel wronged is unfair, but she has tried her best.

You cannot ask fate to give you anything, nor can you ask your parents.

Because what you get is what they have done their best to give you.

  They are also fighting and working hard for life every day

  Beiqing Daily: Many people sympathize with you because young people now sometimes feel a little "lost". You seem to fit this characteristic. Do you agree with this statement?

  Li Xueqin: (Talk Show Conference) In the finals, the theme of "The End is the Beginning", I was talking about Magellan’s sailing. There was one thing I didn’t talk about. I thought it was too heavy on the stage so I didn’t talk about it. Died on the road.

Why would Magellan set off?

In order to seek more wealth, he was unsatisfied when he arrived in the New World. He wanted to go farther, without stopping at all, and finally died on the road.

I don't like this, I think you are at the end, you should at least rest for a while.

  Beiqing Daily: Have you never screwed yourself up?

Want to be a better self?

  Li Xueqin: I think everyone's definition of excellence is something he has not achieved. He will never define excellence as something he has achieved.

Maybe this person has earned 100 million a month, but he thinks that being excellent is earning 1 billion a month.

Rich, well-educated, well-groomed, happy family, successful career... Why do you have good things all alone, there is no need.

  We have been influenced by many such concepts since we were young.

There is nothing wrong with fighting, but you can also rest for a while. Everyone has the right to rest.

  And young people are sometimes "lost", but they are essentially fighting, running, and working hard for life every day.

  Maybe everyone sees me and feels relaxed, so let's rest together for a while.


  Li Xueqin was sitting in the back seat of a friend's Mavericks electric motorcycle and rode all the way to the newspaper office for the interview appointment.

Her boss did not come, nor did the director of her company.

Her explanation for this was: "My boss felt too tired to let me go by myself. My director Fan sister was in the hotel because she didn't get up too early."

  This way of appearing on the stage does not seem to match her current popularity. In the past two months, Li Xueqin has gained popularity and attention from the public at a speed visible to the naked eye. After the third season semifinal of "Talk Show" was broadcast, "Li Xueqin" 'S name has been posted on Weibo Hot Search for two full days.

  When receiving Li Xueqin downstairs from the newspaper, she did not say hello to us, but got into the elevator silently with her head down.

She is wearing a short-sleeved black T-shirt and canvas shoes that often appear on the scene.

Compared with the show, she has an extra pair of glasses on her round face, which looks no different from a student, but also has the cramps and recognition of her age.

  Just as the atmosphere was a little frozen, Li Xueqin said the first sentence: "Is there a lens? Do you have eyebrow pencils? I want to make up my eyebrows." Shaking such a burden, the atmosphere became lively.

  People habitually think that such an interesting person must be very happy, but Li Xueqin has been troubled by depression for a long time.

When she was in Peking University, she was diagnosed with depression, and she was relieved by taking medicine. During her postgraduate study at New York University, she quit school due to recurrence of depression and returned to China. After graduation, she briefly started a business and did a show. He left the company.

  In December last year, Li Xueqin felt that she was in a bad state, so she went to the Sixth Hospital of Beijing Medical College to prescribe medication for depression.

In that month, she decided to end her life in Beidiao and return to her hometown in the Northeast.

  Participating in the third season of "Talk Show Conference" was outside of her plan. After receiving the invitation, the boss Xie Ge encouraged her to participate, but this meant she had to return to the noise again, but as she herself said, "You can tremble, but you have to stand up straight and tremble." This time, she chose to accept the challenge.

  Recalling the creative process, Li Xueqin said that the most difficult text to write in the competition was actually the first phase. Three days before the competition, there was not a word in the draft. Later, he had a big fight with the boss Xie Ge, although the reason for the quarrel has nothing to do with the future. Development plans are trivial things, but this inspired her to write interesting jokes such as "Happy with the boss" and "Having a hole in the boss's Mercedes."

  So far, Li Xueqin's jokes are basically derived from her personal life and events around her, which may be related to a habit of her.

If she finds something interesting in her life, she immediately takes out her phone and records it.

Although she laughed at herself, "It would be nice to write 100 items, and it would be nice to use the last one", but she told me that this habit of jokes has been there since the time when I made Douyin.

  After the "Talk Show Conference", Li Xueqin posted a long post on Weibo, expressing his gratitude to her mother, and said, "My mother has prepared a burden for me. She is so kind and I love her."

Speaking of her mother, Li Xueqin showed a soft smile on her face. She said: "My mother is really cool, and many of my stories are really from my mother." After she said that, she immediately blurted out a "burden" from her mother: " My mother changed the couplet in front of my house from'Double Happiness' to'Xueqin Club'."

  Li Xueqin seemed to gather many contradictions.

She has depression, but she persuades everyone not to compete and want to start; she has social fears, but she has been expressing herself to the public; she said "want to live as a waste", but she tried to surprise people again and again.

  Li Xueqin seemed to be able to resolve many contradictions.

She said that only when she has experienced pain can she know how to teach people to be happy; she has seen too many "excellent" and "unwanted", so she can accept her ordinary, fragile and clumsy, and continue on this basis Observe and record life.

  At the end of the two-hour interview, Li Xueqin and her friend rode on the Mavericks electric scooter and left, saying goodbye and saying that they wanted to eat something delicious, and disappeared at the turn of the road.

  She is not like a traffic star, nor is she like an Internet celebrity who graduated from Peking University, but an ordinary person around us who lives a bit "lost" but does not give up hope. She is also like a person who will deal with the big and small things of life with you. Sharing friends.

This is a bit similar to Li Xueqin's immature plan: "I want to make a show where others will chat with me."

  This edition is written by Lei Ruotong, our reporter

  This edition of photography / reporter Wang Xiaoxi