Illustration of the research of the vaccine against the coronavirus.


Mathieu Pattier / SIPA

The side effects of the vaccine destroyed her life.

The Rennes administrative court awarded the sum of 1.39 million euros to the parents of a young man who developed narcolepsy-cataplexy after an injection of the influenza A vaccine. The boy, then aged 10 years old, had been vaccinated on December 9, 2009 as part of the H1N1 vaccination campaign.

Subsequently, he developed this sleeping sickness manifested "by incessant falling asleep during the day, major difficulties in waking up in the morning, the need for very frequent parental stimulation and almost constant monitoring due to the occurrence of total cataplexies with falls ”, according to the court ruling revealed by

Le Télégramme


The young man suffers from depression and obesity

After the diagnosis of the disease on March 1, 2012, his parents had seized the National Office for Compensation for Medical Accidents, Iatrogenic Affections and Nosocomial Infections (ONIAM).

Not deeming the proposed compensation sufficient, they then appealed to administrative justice.

The administrative court compensated them with regard in particular to "metabolic and cardiovascular consequences in connection with overweight resulting from the side effects of drug treatment as well as a major depressive syndrome, resistant to treatment".

The court also noted "a strong resentment" of the young man "towards the health system as well as his parents for having had him vaccinated" as well as "the permanent aesthetic damage, given the morbid obesity, cataplexy attacks and falling asleep at any time ”.


The flu vaccination campaign will start "on October 13"


30% more doses of influenza vaccines ordered

  • Influenza

  • Vaccine

  • Influenza a

  • Reindeer

  • Health

  • Medicine