Consent in the couple

In a relationship, it's not always easy to say "no" REUTERS / Gustavo Graf

By: Emmanuelle Bastide

1 min

Almost 60% of couples would like more frequent sex.

But over time, the desire can wither away and it happens that one of the two partners forces himself to make love when the desire is not there, “by marital duty” or to please the other.

Why is it so hard to say “no”?

At the time of free speech, where is the line with sexual assault? 



Jean-Claude Kaufmann

, sociologist of the couple, author of

Not envy tonight, the consent in the couple

(Les Liens qui libéré)

Véronique Kohn,

psychologist, specialist in romantic relationships author of

Which Lover Are You?

(Editions Tchou) 

And a testimony collected by

Charlie Dupiot


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