Talk about Fengsheng

  If a child has been fascinated by his eyes since he was a child, and learned to deal with teachers and schools in a formalistic way, this is probably more worrying than wasting some meals.

  Recently, a parent of a primary school in Nanchang reported to the media that they had received a notice from the school, requesting that for 21 consecutive days starting from September 11th, after each student had dinner at home, he held the "CD" he had eaten and recited the "Dining Etiquette" "Song", and shoot a video within 15 seconds, the parent sends a check-in in the circle of friends every day, and submits a screenshot in the class group.

  Under the new social trend of vigorously advocating "frugality and opposing waste", the education management department has also made arrangements for the education system to stop food waste.

Earlier on September 15th, the Ministry of Education’s official website issued a notice on the “Education System’s Action Plan for “Stopping Food Waste and Cultivating Saving Habits””, clearly pointing out that it is necessary to further promote campus CD operations and take various methods to encourage teachers and students to finish the purchase The CD-ROM operation of food and no leftovers is used as a starting point to quickly reverse the bad trend of school food waste.

  This elementary school in Nanchang responded positively, advocating students to "implement" the CD-ROM operation at home and develop a hardworking and thrifty lifestyle. The original intention is undoubtedly good.

However, it is too mechanical to ask the children to hold the CD to recite the meal song after each meal, and the parents to take a video to "check in".

  In the past, some catering companies “called physical key meals” or implemented the “N-2” ordering system in some places, which has caused a lot of controversy; now, the Nanchang school requires students to hold a CD to recite the meal song and punch in after a meal. It is even more offensive.

  Operation CD-ROM is a national action, and it is very important to guide students to do it.

But no matter how important it is, it can't be such a big move.

Regardless of the effect, this practice itself has already made students and parents feel helpless, otherwise they would not be angry and "book".

  Once the campus CD operation with a good original intention is put on the shackles of formalism, it will not only damage the image of the operation itself, but also may bring adverse effects from the effect.

  Education is not only to teach knowledge, but also to teach students to behave in the world and guide them to establish the correct "three outlooks."

Stopping food waste and cultivating thrifty habits is a complex social system project that cannot be accomplished overnight. It needs to be internalized in the heart, solidified in the system, externalized in the form, and realized in the action.

The key is to continue to deepen and work for a long time. Through the guidance of CD-ROM action, the students' awareness of civilization and frugality can gradually be transformed into action consciousness.

  The parent said it well, "More guidance and education, less formalism, so the effect will be better." Yes, the CD-ROM operation needs real action, not formalism. Even adults need guidance. Education, especially for students.

  Adults are children's teachers, especially schools and teachers have a vital influence on children's growth.

If a child has been fascinated by his eyes since he was young, and learned to deal with teachers and schools in a formalistic way, this is probably more worrying than wasting some meals.

  Therefore, instead of excessively pursuing formalistic "CDs", it is better to grasp the quality of campus dishes so that students can eat comfortably, at ease, and happily. Naturally, they can experience the sweat and care in the food, and thus will cherish it.

Only in this way can students develop the habit of saving from the inside out.

  □Li Wanyou (staff)