It left a shadow after witnessing a car accident a year ago

Medical students faint when seeing blood, beware of "post-traumatic stress disorder"

  "If you say it, it's down." On September 24, the news of "A medical student in Chengdu fainted when they saw blood" was swiped on the Internet.

In the video, as Xiao Tang fell "very simply", his classmates proficiently helped him up again. There have been many scenes like this in the past year, making netizens "funny and distressed".

  Up to now, the news video has been played more than 100 million, with more than 200,000 comments, and netizens’ comments are also hilarious: “It’s almost a study of medicine with one’s life.” “Although you should not laugh, you still can’t help it.” Some foodies also sent out Soul torture: Then can he eat duck blood when he eats hot pot?

  The reporter learned that Xiao Tang is a second-year high school student majoring in Chinese medicine rehabilitation and health care at Chengdu Huada Medical and Health School.

A year ago, he witnessed a car accident, and since then left a psychological shadow-seeing blood will faint.

And because he is a medical student, he will inevitably see blood in the course, so "blood fainting" often occurs.

Now the acupuncture class is about to take place, and Xiao Tang’s teacher also hopes to help him find a way to overcome it.

  For this reason, netizens have a lot of thoughts: "Try wearing sunglasses?" "Take poison to fight poison, desensitization therapy, just a few more stimulations."

  So, how should Xiao Tang treat it?

Is it simply "haloemia"?

Is it suitable to use "desensitization therapy"?

In this regard, the Chengdu Commercial Daily-Red Star News reporter interviewed relevant professional doctors to analyze Xiao Tang's situation.

The person told:

After witnessing a car accident a year ago, he fainted after seeing blood

  "Chest tightness, breathing difficulties, and then I don't know anything." On September 25, Xiao Tang told reporters on the phone with a smile. He didn't expect that his dizziness would cause so much attention online.

  Speaking of the car accident that shadowed him, he said that about a year ago, he was walking on the road when a battery car was about to overtake, but suddenly he was hit by a small car behind him.

The driver of the battery car bleeds a lot. "The scene is terrifying." Since then, he has suffered dizziness and fainting symptoms.

At first he thought he had low blood sugar, but then he fainted when he saw blood. Then he knew he had severe symptoms of fainting blood.

  Xiao Tang said that he usually fainted for about half an hour at a time. "The longest time he fainted was more than an hour." For this reason, he also went to the doctor and received treatment, but the effect was not obvious.

According to Xiao Tang's teacher, due to Xiao Tang's dizziness, the students tried to avoid letting him see blood.

But in order for him to adapt as soon as possible and get rid of the dizziness, everyone will often "stimulate" him.

  As a medical student, he faints blood. This huge contrast makes netizens worry, “If he participates in an emergency rescue in the future, the patient’s life is dying and the doctor faints first, it would be terrible.”

  For whether to change majors?

Xiao Tang said, "I love medicine very much and would not consider changing majors." Xiao Tang said that he studied acupuncture and massage, and he is still in the stage of learning massage. There are not many opportunities to see blood, but he will learn acupuncture later. He still hopes to overcome it as soon as possible.

Expert Opinion

Frightening past + inner shadow + out of control

"Post-traumatic stress disorder" should be paid attention to

  The reporter saw that when helping Xiao Tang overcome dizziness, some classmates would show him the small bleeding wound on his arm, and called it "desensitization therapy", but from the video, it can be seen that Xiao Tang was a bit repulsive of.

Regarding this approach, netizens have mixed opinions. Some netizens believe that “the way to overcome fear is to face fear”, while other netizens said that this approach is too cruel, “What if you really faint? "

  So, is Xiao Tang suitable for "desensitization therapy" in this situation?

In this regard, the reporter interviewed Geng Ting, the attending doctor and medical team leader of the Fourth People's Hospital of Chengdu.

This case may not be "haloemia" but post-traumatic stress disorder

  Geng Ting told reporters that in the classification of psychiatric medicine, "haloemia" is a specific phobia in anxiety disorders.

All mental illnesses are triggered by biological susceptibility, acquired stress factors, life events, etc., commonly known as the "biology + psychology + society" model.

  In view of the fact that Xiao Tang has witnessed a tragic car accident, she believes that this situation of Xiao Tang may not be "fainting blood", but post-traumatic stress disorder (personal experience, witness or encounter one or more involving oneself or others The actual death, or the threat of death, or serious injury caused by the delayed appearance and persistence of the individual's mental disorder).

  Geng Ting said that in real life, some people fainted during injections and blood draws, but Xiao Tang was different from them in that he was fainted only after witnessing a tragic car accident. “He didn’t deal with him in a car accident. The psychological shadow caused by this, so every time you see blood, you may see the scene of the last car accident. This is more complicated than simple phobia.” This is like a child who is afraid of injections. The more tense, and the more tense, the more vasoconstriction will be. "If the child has been subjected to this kind of psychological cues, he will gradually become more and more frightened and more tense, until it finally reaches a peak, and he will pass out. , Like Xiao Tang."

How to treat?

"Desensitization treatment" is not advisable

Pay attention to whether other diseases are combined

  Geng Ting does not recommend the "desensitization treatment" to Xiao Tang by others.

She said that "desensitization treatment" is a part of behavioral therapy called "exposure desensitization."

"Desensitization treatment" must be stabilized before exposure. If you do not grasp this, the trauma will not be able to withstand, it is easy to cause emotional disorders or hallucinations, and the scene may get out of control.

  Regarding the problem of Tang fainting for a long time, Geng Ting suggested that he should pay attention to whether he has other diseases.

"Because syncope also includes neurogenic and cardiogenic syncope." If he loses consciousness completely after syncope, he should also undergo corresponding physical examinations to see if he has superimposed diseases.

  In response to Xiao Tang’s frequent and long syncope, Geng Ting suggested that Xiao Tang should go to a professional psychological counselor for trauma psychotherapy, "If it has affected normal studies and life, in addition to psychotherapy, Medication has to be added."

  Chengdu Commercial Daily-Red Star News reporter Zhang Ling, intern reporter Mou Hongyue