“Interested in the abolition of nuclear weapons” Young people symposium September 26, 20:49


A symposium was held on the 26th of the United Nations' International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, led by young people, and opinions were exchanged on efforts to raise interest in the abolition of nuclear weapons.

The symposium has been held by NGOs and the United Nations for five years, and this time around 15 university students working on peace activities for the first time were in charge of planning and management and were held online.

First of all, Ms. Michiko Kodama, who was bombed in Hiroshima, complained, "We must absolutely eliminate the nuclear weapons that cause physical and mental pain to death. We want you to take action from what you can do."

Next, along with the students, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations, and Akira Takata, the founder of Japanet Takata, a major mail-order company from Nagasaki, exchanged opinions on the abolition of nuclear weapons.

In this, Mr. Takada asked for a new approach, saying, "It is important to add new ideas while leaving the important things. I think we need more changes to convey to many people." "I would like to continue to convey the voices of the A-bomb survivors and devise ways to show them so that young people will be interested in them."

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted three years ago in response to the activities of the A-bomb survivors, and it is expected that the conditions for entry into force will soon be met, but nuclear-weapon states and Japan under the umbrella of nuclear weapons will not participate. The challenge is to expand.

Yuta Takahashi, a second-year university student who organized the symposium, said, "I want to continue my activities without stopping."