Can you drink the first cup of milk tea in autumn?

Nutrition experts remind six major weight loss mistakes

  In recent days, "Autumn's first cup of milk tea" has exploded in the circle of friends. Drinking the first cup of milk tea symbolizes a tender love.

But in fact, in the eyes of nutrition experts, the "pearls" made of milk tea's high sugar content, more creamer, and tapioca powder are obstacles to weight loss.

The topic of milk tea has also aroused many discussions among people who are concerned about healthy weight and scientific weight loss.

Is the net celebrity diet weight loss reliable?

Blindly dieting, not eating staple food is not reliable

  Cai Junxiu, director of the Department of Clinical Nutrition at the Southern University of Science and Technology Hospital, pointed out that diet and exercise are considered important weight loss methods.

But is diet weight loss reliable?

She pointed out that the diet method is not just blindly dieting, not eating staple foods, or only eating high-protein meat and fish, and blindly controlling the total amount. This will not achieve the expected results.

  The correct diet to lose weight includes energy-limited balanced diet, low-carb diet, high-protein diet, light fasting mode, etc.

The specific method needs to be evaluated by a professional nutritionist, fully analyze the risk factors, and then formulate a personalized weight loss plan.

Most people have lost weight after untold hardships, but improper weight loss methods may lose muscle and water instead of fat.

It can even bring harms such as decreased resistance, malnutrition, hair loss, irregular or amenorrhea, depression, anorexia nervosa, etc., and even life-threatening in severe cases.

The secret to successfully lose more than 20 catties in 70 days is to manage weight scientifically

  In her eyes, Xiao Tang, 39 years old, doesn't miss milk tea too much now.

She is 1.76 meters tall, weighs 86.5 kg, BMI is 27.9kg/m2, waist-to-hip ratio is 0.99, and body fat is 36%. More than two months ago, she was consciously obese. She heard that the Southern University of Science and Technology Hospital opened a clinical nutrition clinic. A professional nutrition team will have a consultation every working day.

So I went to the Clinical Nutrition Clinic of SUSTech Hospital to seek help from professional doctors for weight loss.

The nutritionist diagnosed Xiao Tang as abdominal obesity and decided to intervene in diet.

  In 70 days, the nutritionist treated Xiao Tang with "one meal operation": formulating personalized recipes, guiding exercise programs, and so on.

During the whole process, Xiao Tang cooperated with the doctor's guidance in diet management.

Xiao Tang's weight is steadily and regularly dropping.

After 70 days of "weight loss journey", the analysis of body composition showed that Xiao Tang not only lost weight, but also reduced his body fat rate, indicating that Xiao Tang's weight loss is different from the weight lost by ordinary blind dieting and is healthier. , More effective and more targeted.

In 70 days, she successfully lost more than 20 catties.

For her, in 70 days, she developed a healthier diet and exercise lifestyle.

Don't step on these misunderstandings about weight loss:

  Many friends choose to lose weight in order to have a more perfect body, but weight loss also requires a correct method. Incorrect methods are harmful. Cai Junxiu, director of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Southern University of Science and Technology Hospital, reminded.

The number one misunderstanding of weight loss: only exercise, but not diet

  Exercise can increase energy consumption and is effective for weight loss, but it depends on exercise mode, intensity, time, frequency and total amount.

However, the actual effect of weight loss by exercise alone is far worse than expected.

Because of the "compensation mechanism", we eat more after strenuous exercise.

For example, one hour of long-distance running can consume about 400 calories, and a cream cake can make your efforts of this hour be naught; and the rebound is obvious after the high-intensity exercise stops.

Therefore, simply relying on exercise to lose weight is not good!

Scientific research shows that: Compared with simple diet or exercise, the weight loss effect of diet combined with exercise is more significant.

Different exercise methods have different effects on weight loss.

Aerobic exercise has a significant effect on reducing visceral fat. Aerobic exercise is recommended as the core exercise for weight loss, and the effect of combining resistance exercise with weight loss is more obvious.

The second biggest misunderstanding of weight loss: not eating breakfast, or not eating for a long time

  Failure to eat breakfast will result in eating too much food for lunch and dinner, especially dinner, which can also lead to obesity.

In addition, skipping breakfast for a long time without eating and often going hungry is equivalent to sending a "famine" signal to the body, which will reduce the basal metabolic rate and consume the glycogen and protein stored in the body, which will affect your health over time.

Therefore, the correct way to lose weight is to eat three meals regularly to ensure a reasonable energy supply ratio.

The third biggest misunderstanding of weight loss: partial weight loss

  People often ask: How to reduce waist fat?

How to lose belly fat and other issues, and emphasize that other parts of yourself are not fat.

Moreover, on some fitness websites, we often see some exercises such as certain waist and abdomen to flatten the lower abdomen, and even some so-called "massage slimming cream".

The fact is: In the process of weight loss, body fat will be gradually reduced. To lose belly fat, abdominal muscle training is needed, such as abdominal crunching and plank support to shape the abdominal muscles, shape the abdomen, and remove the small belly.

The fourth myth of weight loss: prohibit any fat intake

  People often have this misunderstanding: eat fat to grow fat!

But this is not right.

It is not fat that makes people fat, but too much calories make people fat.

I often see some fitness forums mentioning weight loss and saying that we should ban oil, which is not correct.

Fat is to provide body energy, the energy supply ratio accounts for 25-30%, and it can protect internal organs and maintain body temperature; assist the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins; participate in various aspects of the body's metabolic activities.

There are many types of fat, including saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and so on.

So we have to learn to distinguish between different types of fats and eat them correctly.

Fats that are good for the body, such as monounsaturated fats, are good for blood lipid metabolism, such as olive oil, peanut oil, avocado, etc.

Saturated fats and trans fats can cause dyslipidemia, such as butter, cream, cheese, and animal fats.

So what should be restricted is the intake of trans fat (largely found in fried and processed food) and saturated fat (fatty meat) rather than any kind of cooking oil.

The fifth biggest misunderstanding of weight loss: eat only fruits and vegetables

  Only eat fruits and vegetables, this is one of the misunderstandings about weight loss.

If it's just fruits and vegetables, you can't get enough protein from it. As a result, the body will break down a lot of muscle.

Muscle and metabolism are greatly related. If you lose weight through this method, you may lose 10 catties of muscle in a month, only 1-2 catties of fat.

The result is that your appearance has not improved much.

What's worse is that a large loss of muscle means that your metabolism will be greatly reduced, and it will become increasingly difficult for your body to consume fat.

Therefore, the purpose of weight loss is to reduce fat, not water or muscle.

The sixth misunderstanding of weight loss: high-protein diet makes people fat

  Many women hold the view that a high-protein diet makes people fat.

In fact, food has a thermogenic effect. Among the three major nutrients, the human body will increase calorie consumption by up to 30% when digesting protein, while carbohydrates can only increase by 10%.

High-protein foods are usually found in livestock and poultry meat, fish and shrimp, eggs, and soy products. Among them, the fat content of livestock and poultry meat is higher. Excessive intake will cause excessive fat intake, and excessive protein will Cause liver and kidney damage, especially obese people with kidney disease.

  The Paper Journalist Lu Xinwen Correspondent Huang Xianjun Zhang Guojun