Do you want to enter the college entrance examination for physical education?

  Many prospective junior students in Guangzhou are busy this summer. The "Guangzhou Junior High School Level Examination Sports and Health Examination Implementation Opinions" will be formally implemented in 2021. Based on the idea of ​​"winning at the starting line", many parents have already begun to study How to get children to get full marks in physical education after 3 years.

  Interviews conducted by Banyuetan reporters found that as the education department's requirements for good physical education classes become stricter, the problem of occupancy of physical education classes in primary and secondary schools has been greatly eased, but how to count as good physical education classes has become a paradox. : If physical education is not included in the exam, it will easily become a "walking form"; once it is included in the exam, it will be regarded as an exam-oriented course at the same time.

Does sports follow exams or interest?

"Polarization" in physical education?

No way, inevitable

  Xiaogao, a Nanjing girl who was in the second year of high school, found that after she was in high school, her mother stopped staring at herself to practice skipping rope and sit-ups, and the physical education class in the school became more relaxed and interesting.

"When I was in junior high school, my mother would urge me, because I have to take these exams for the senior high school entrance exams, and so are the physical education classes in school.

  This phenomenon is not an isolated case. Under the background of the general implementation of the physical education entrance examination, junior high school physical education is gradually being tested, and because physical education is not included in the college entrance examination, the content of high school physical education is relatively free.

  The deputy director of a grassroots education bureau in the eastern province said frankly that as long as the exam is added, the content of physical education will definitely change, and there will definitely be content at the test level. Even basic physical training will move in this direction. This is impossible, impossible. Avoided.

  A physical education teacher in a middle school in Shenyang revealed that the school clearly requires that students should be moderated in the second and third grades of junior high school.

A middle school physical education teacher in Xuzhou, Jiangsu said that the first and second grades will not conduct special exercises around the high school entrance examination. By the third grade, they will consciously focus on the high school entrance examination. "In fact, this is also the request of parents. As far as I know, there are still a few Go to tutoring classes outside".

  The Banyuetan reporter noticed that in the Guangzhou New Physical Education Entrance Examination to be implemented in 2021, the score of the physical and health examination will be increased to 70 points, and the scoring standards of each individual item will also increase year by year.

A physical education teacher in Guangzhou said bluntly that he agreed to increase the score and difficulty, "When the physical examination can fully widen the score gap, parents will naturally pay attention to sports."

  Mr. Zhang, a parent in Shenzhen, said that he enrolled in a skipping class for his children last year, with a lesson of more than 100 yuan, "but it did get immediate results."

The Banyuetan reporter learned that some parents even spent 20,000 yuan for their children to practice rope skipping. Many parents’ opening remarks for meeting have become "how many times your child can jump a minute now".

  A parent calculated the account with Banyue Tan reporter: Now whether it is primary school physical fitness monitoring or physical education entrance examination, the score must be full.

It’s harder to score more in the cultural test, so you can’t let your children lose points in sports, and you have to practice anyway.

Regarding the question of the examination of physical education, he somewhat did not care: "Anyway, it can improve physical fitness. We support this in schools."

  It cannot be ignored that the examination-oriented physical education class makes the course content boring.

Interviews with the Banyuetan reporter found that many children are disgusted with practicing "old-fashioned" physical education classes. They prefer free, relaxed, and diverse physical education classes.

Some experts believe that the current state compulsory protection of physical education is to enhance the physical fitness of students and allow children to learn one or two sports skills.

Excessive examination of physical education classes will not be sustainable on the one hand, and will cause children to have a rebellious attitude towards physical education.

Do I need to enter the college entrance examination for physical education?

A little more Vs sweat

  Exam-oriented makes children lose the fun of physical education, so why not try physical education?

The current domestic high school physical education class and high school students' physical status may answer this question.

  A high school physical education teacher in Hunnan District of Shenyang said bluntly that the physical fitness of current high school students is worrying.

"The school sports meeting record has not been broken in more than 10 years. 25 years ago, the passing line of 800 meters was 4 minutes and 4 seconds. Now it is 4 minutes and 40 seconds. There are still many failings. Our hurdles are rusty in the warehouse. Safety comes first, and I dare not carry out any of these. Although there are random tests for physical fitness monitoring every year, we feel that we cannot say that there is no water."

  This is also the common feeling of many teachers and principals: high school students are not even as good as junior high school students.

During an interview with Banyuetan reporters, it was discovered that due to reasons such as safety and fear of affecting learning, the physical education classes of most high schools in China can only reach the level of "moving."

Although the class hours are guaranteed, the effect of exercise requires a question mark.

  The first physical education teacher of a key high school in Jiangsu said that the school’s physical education class is guaranteed. Even in the third year of high school, physical education classes will not be suspended, but the principle is "don't be too intense."

A physical education teacher in a middle school in Guangzhou told Banyuetan reporters that if it is only for the entrance examination for physical education, the entrance examination does not take the entrance examination for physical education.

  The deputy director of the grassroots education bureau said frankly that the high school physical education class does not have the standard requirements of the high school entrance examination. It is more for children to have time to relax. Coupled with the children's age characteristics, hobbies, and gender differences, high school sports are based on skills and so on. The aspect is indeed weakened.

"At present, we still approve that sports should be admitted to the college entrance examination, because at this stage in China, it is difficult to make people really pay attention to sports. For example, the college entrance examination is coming soon. There will be a physical education class tomorrow. If you are a teacher, would you take it?"

Will the child be more tired?

This is a problem

  In recent years, my country has issued a series of policies to ensure the development of school physical education. The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening Education and Teaching Reform and Comprehensively Improve the Quality of Compulsory Education" put forward that each student can master 1 or 2 sports skills.

  It can be said that at present, whether it is the education department, school or parents, the cognition of sports is constantly strengthening. More and more people hope that children can make physical exercise a life habit, which will last a lifetime.

  So, how to make children experience the fun of sports while ensuring the degree of importance?

A physical education teacher in a key high school in Jiangsu said bluntly: “If the physical education enters the college entrance examination, the children will not be so happy. This is a bad thing for those children who like to take physical education classes, because they can’t practice their favorite items; but for those with poor physical fitness It’s a good thing for children who don’t like to participate in physical education."

  "To be honest, whether it is to enter the college entrance examination or to add more professional projects, it makes sense. The most ideal way is to follow the course materials. Students choose their own sports. But how to organize so many sports, how to use equipment, what It’s a standardized course and it’s not easy to operate.” The deputy director of the basic education bureau said, “I’m even more worried that the child will get tired under this kind of exam. The child can’t sleep for a few hours at night, and it’s necessary to add physical education during the day. Can the child be more tired after the exam?"

  Experts believe that the current mention of student physique overemphasizes the role of school and physical education, while ignoring the importance of family physical education.

In fact, the parents’ words and deeds have a huge impact on their children. A parent who does not exercise all day can hardly make children fall in love with physical exercise.

This requires further improvement of the sports atmosphere of the entire society.

Only when more and more parents turn sports into a part of their daily habits, children will develop sports habits imperceptibly, and physical education will no longer be the only pillar supporting their children's physique.