City Hall also cooperates in selling a large amount of steamed buns due to an unexpected accident Miyazaki September 15 21:28


A bakery in Hyuga City, Miyazaki Prefecture, has made a large amount of steamed bread due to an unexpected accident.

The city hall has also started to cooperate to sell everything.

On the 15th, at the city hall in Hyuga City, Miyazaki Prefecture, steamed buns were sold during the lunch break, and the staff were buying one after another.

Steamed buns are manufactured by Yumi Nakauchi of Hyuga City, and usually sell more than 100 pieces a day at her own store.

However, last week, when I was fermenting a week's worth of yeast to knead into the dough, my 1-year-old son, Aoi-kun, accidentally unplugged the machine.

Mr. Nakauchi thought that fermentation would not work, so he hurriedly started to prepare alternatives.

However, the amount that was first fermented was also made without problems, and as a result, 480 extra steamed buns were made.

At one point, Mr. Nakauchi was at a loss when he couldn't sell everything at the store, but after consulting with an acquaintance and negotiating on his own, he hurriedly sold at four locations, including Hyuga City Hall. It means that we can do it.

Mr. Nakauchi said, "I thought it was a big deal because I was so impatient with my son's mischief that I made too much steamed bread. I am very grateful for your cooperation."

Steamed bread will be sold at supermarkets in Hyuga City on the 16th and 18th of this month.