September 11, 2001 in OMF Oh my Fake: Why the intoxes still last?


20 Minutes - OMF

That was almost 20 years ago.

On September 11, 2001, a spectacular attack struck the United States on their soil.

Four planes are hijacked by the terrorist organization Al-Qaida.

One of them crashes into the Pentagon while two others crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

New York's iconic landmark collapses.

The human toll is appalling.

But very quickly all so appalling rumors rise: the attack would be orchestrated by the United States themselves, the government was aware ... Despite numerous publications denying this intoxication, they continue two decades later.

Clémence explains why.

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  • Terrorism

  • Fake news

  • Fake off

  • Oh My Fake

  • September 11th

  • Attack

  • 20 minutes video