[Explanation] 33-year-old Wang Jiang is a musician who also loves photography.

Recently, he came up with the idea of ​​using staples to build Chongqing's urban landscape, so he bought more than 200 boxes of staples from the Internet and built a "Chongqing City" on the dining table based on his two years of experience in photographing urban scenery in Chongqing. .

  Wang Jiang started to learn guitar at the age of 12 and music creation at the age of 13. He is currently a music producer.

In addition to music, Wang Jiang also likes photography. Two years ago, he started shooting Chongqing city scenery.

He walked the streets and alleys of the city, and sometimes went to climb the stairs at 6 o'clock in the morning, and took pictures of Chongqing city panorama.

With his familiarity and love for Chongqing, Wang Jiang wanted to use another art form besides music and photography to show his beautiful mountain city.

  Wang Jiang thought of seeing posts on the Internet by foreign artists about building cities with stationery a few years ago, so he got inspiration from them and wanted to use staples to build a "Chongqing City".

  [Concurrent] Wang Jiang

  For its practical staples, what I like is the material of the staple itself.

Because it has high reflectivity, it is also suitable for the feeling of a city like a steel forest, and it is also suitable for a mountain city like Chongqing.

Then my staples can also be free to control the length of the staples according to my imagination, to build this sense of patchwork.

  [Explanation] Wang Jiang usually likes to photograph Chongqing landmark buildings. His initial idea was to build some landmark buildings and characteristic streets, so he started from Chongqing Chaotianmen and Raffles City.

After finishing the construction, he was very satisfied with his work, and then slowly expanded.

Because no glue was used during the construction process, the work could not be fixed. Once Wang Jiang accidentally touched the table, and then a large piece of work was poured.

Wang Jiang didn't give up, he carefully rebuilt it again.

The effort paid off. It took him 2 days and more than 200 boxes of staples to finally build a miniature Chongqing city 1.8 meters long and 0.9 meters wide.

  [Concurrent] Wang Jiang

  You know because I didn't plan to build this big in the first place, so I didn't use any glue.

I took a total of 2 days, and then on the next day, I accidentally hit my table, and then a large piece was poured.

The mood was really like that, I wanted to push it all down at the time, this matter.

In the end, I worked hard to save it and finished the work.

  [Explanation] Because it was a temporary intention, the work was not fixed with glue, and it would fall as soon as the wind blows. Therefore, it could not be preserved. Wang Jiang decided to display the work for a few more days before tearing it down.

Wang Jiang said that in the future, more Chongqing landmark buildings will be built, not only real, but also imagined. He hopes that through his own knowledge of the city, more people will appreciate the unique charm of Chongqing.

  Reporting from Chongqing by reporter Xiao Jiangchuan

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]