The successive division into factions of the Catalan independence movement,

an endemic characteristic of revolutionary movements

, does not necessarily translate into a loss of strength nor will it cause a definitive break in their alliance in the short term.


the radical left

, represented by ERC and CUP, and

the supposedly conservative formations

- now divided between those who are loyal to Puigdemot and those who have remained in Jordi Pujol's old party - continue to govern the Generalitat together.

And they have not renounced, each with their language and their tacticism, the common objectives: the organization of a new illegal referendum,

unilaterally declare independence when the time comes

, request for an amnesty for the coup plotters condemned by the Supreme Court and

rejection of common institutions, especially the Monarchy


It is true that yesterday each faction wore a wreath of flowers before

the statue of Rafael Casanova

, staging a distancing between them.

But it is also true that beyond secondary discrepancies, the

entire independence movement is an accomplice

of the permanent mobilization of certain social sectors -most of them subsidized with public money-, of the

violent actions and vandalism carried out

by the puppies of the movement - such as yesterday's cutting of railways or the burning of Spanish flags and portraits of the Royal Family-, of the harassment and persecution of those who oppose his disruptive and excluding project, and of the manipulation of History to create

an identity mythology based on in lies and misrepresentations

, such as the one Torra de

Companys does

when he transmutes him into a martyr of the Spanish State.

The procés, in short, continues and does not hide that it aspires to obtain the support of at least 50% of the voters to varnish of plebiscitary legitimacy what is nothing but

an insurrectional attack on constitutional stability

and the model of coexistence defended by the majority of Spanish citizens.

The low participation in yesterday's Diada cannot be misled.

As we are seeing, the independentists are not stopped by the health crisis, nor its negative economic effects, nor the blockade of the hospital services that the Catalans are suffering.


the 90 mobilizations organized yesterday throughout the community were allowed despite the high risk of contagion

posed by the massive concentrations, as was clear on March 8.

For this reason, it is more necessary than ever for the constitutionalist parties to unite around a common minimum program to oust the independence movement from power in the next elections.

And that this front -

in which the PSC must necessarily be together with PP and Cs

- serve as a stimulus to that majority part of Catalan society that feels helpless by democratic institutions and has fallen into defeatism and demobilization.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Jordi Pujol

  • PSC

  • PP

  • CUP

  • ERC

  • Diada

  • Citizens

  • Opinion

  • Editorial

EditorialArtur Mas before the mirror of his work

EditorialCasado reiterates its commitments

Hold me the vermouth, Cayetana

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  • Stage 13, live: Chatel-Guyon - Puy Mary

  • Semifinal, live: Pablo Carreño - Alexander Zverev