Knife attack in Birmingham left one dead and several injured -


Want to disconnect and think of nothing, and especially not the coronavirus?

The news stream can keep flowing, you left it behind.

But in order not to lose sight of the essentials, here is a highly concentrated and summarized version.

1 - Seven departments turn red for COVID-19

Surveillance and vigilance.

Seven new departments have moved into the "active circulation zone" of the Covid-19, or "red zone", bringing to 28 the number of departments where reinforced measures against the virus can be adopted, announced a decree published on Sunday. Official newspaper.

These are the North, Bas-Rhin, Seine-Maritime, Côte-d'Or, Réunion and the departments of Corsica (Corse-du-Sud and Haute-Corse).

2- Several people stabbed in Birmingham

One person died and seven others were injured, including two seriously, on the night of Saturday to Sunday in Birmingham, England's second city, in the center of the country, police said, citing a "major event" and claims to seek a suspect.

At this point, the details and motives for the attack are still unclear.

To be continued on

3- Tour de France: Pogacar takes the stage, Roglic the yellow

The pack rides during the 9th stage of the 107th edition of the Tour de France cycling race, 154 km between Pau and Laruns, on September 6, 2020. (Photo by KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP) - AFP

Slovenia at the party.

On Sunday, during the 9th stage of the Big Loop, the Slovenes shone in the Pyrenees.

Tadej Pogacar won the stage and his compatriot Primoz Roglic took the yellow jersey from Briton Adam Yates.

All in a health context where the runners did not have only praise to address to a somewhat light audience on barrier gestures.

4-Two French soldiers killed in Mali

Two soldiers of the French force Barkhane au Sahel, of the 1st parachute hussar regiment of Tarbes, were killed in operation Saturday in Mali by the explosion of an improvised explosive device (IED) as their armored vehicle passed, announced the 'Elysium.

In total, 45 French soldiers died in combat in operations Serval (2013) and Barkhane (since 2014), according to the general staff.

A count that does not include accidents.

5- Rapper Ademo, from PNL, arrested for drug trafficking

Rapper Ademo, one of the two brothers of the PNL duo, was taken into custody on Saturday for "drug use", "contempt" and "rebellion".

His arrest was the subject of numerous amateur videos, especially by his fans.

Released on Sunday, he should be tried in January 2021 for these charges.

That's all for today, don't hesitate if you still want more, come and watch us on Snapchat, or follow us on Tik Tok! 

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