I, of course, don't understand anything about intrigue, especially in the upper atmosphere.

If I did, I would not be a lone mystic, but I would ask Sergei Semyonovich to carry shells, for example.

But it even dawns on me: someone really wants to take the place of Maria Zakharova.

Judging by how many months she is stubbornly hammered in various Telegram channels for literally everything she does - this is a campaign.

Well, it does not happen that literally everything is subjected to a flurry of the most unfounded criticism.

Even purely statistically, not only politically.

Now she was gotten for a rather sarcastic post on FB about what the Americans are trying to do with the Serbs.

Of course, behind all this, only one thing sounds: “And she put the picture differently.

And danced Kalinka.

And in general for Putin.




Thought primitive, like the lowing of a Nietzsche herd.

If someone in Serbia tensed, then Maria Zakharova has already answered: “I beg your pardon, but my post was misinterpreted!

The only thing that it contained was the rejection of the arrogant attitude from the "exceptional".

Protocol tricks have become one of the tricks that American officials regularly use to artificially create the appearance of their own exclusivity.

And this is unacceptable. "

So you can put an end to this.

But on what is happening between Serbia and the United States, it is not too early to put an end to it - it is simply impossible.

What's going on there?

And what happens, as one well-aimed and sarcastic publicist put it, is "cooking a frog."

Well, you remember this trick - about heating the pan gradually so that the frog does not even notice how it has already been boiled alive.

If someone who is alternatively gifted is stressed by the word "frog" instead of the word "brother", it is not only with Serbia.

They are also trying to warm up the Russians slowly - in exactly the same way.

Why change the training manual if the old one works?

To begin with, Serbian President Vucic, a man who is quite progressive and quite patriotic (no one else is chosen there), went to Trump to sign a memorandum.

And the partners planted literally everything in this memorandum - from the deliberately impassable theses on the recognition of Kosovo to commercial and legal ones.

There were both obligations to purchase LNG and military equipment in the United States, not in Russia, and the requirement to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and in small letters "other".

The calculation is simple: it's hard to fight back on all counts, so after a categorical, for example, refusal to recognize Kosovo for something, you look, and they will agree.

It looked, of course, disgusting - even the seating arrangement in the Oval Office resembled the painting "Hooligan from 2" B "in the teacher's room.

At the same time, the President of Serbia behaved very dignified, despite the total pressure: he fought back like a lion.

And he did not even begin to say anything bad about the Russians, although this was also expected of him.

The Vucic government fought back on almost all counts, although the American imperialists of the Serbs were pressing very hard.

So the Serbs have every right to be proud of their president and all his team that spoke at the negotiations.

But on the other hand, we have now seen with our own eyes how the Americans act: how they drive the governments of other countries into legal traps, how they surround them with red flags (paragraphs), how they twist their hands, forcing them to buy their own, American, at any price.

And they are extremely pleased with themselves - to the point of self-sacrifice.

And now it seems like "normalization of economic relations with Kosovo", but in reality "does not mean the recognition of Kosovo" - sly?

Well, there are a couple of such cunning memoranda - you look, and they admit it.

Where to go?

And it will still be - who is sitting and who is quoting which Verhoeven ...

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.