China News Service, September 6, According to the official Weibo news of the Wuhou District Education Bureau in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, on September 2, some children and teachers in the Golden Apple Longwan Peninsula Kindergarten in Wuhou District had symptoms such as fever and diarrhea. As of September At 12 o'clock on the 6th, except for two children who were treated in the general ward of the hospital and were in stable condition, the other children and teachers were recuperating.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Wuhou District tested all food samples from the kindergarten on September 1st and September 2nd and found that the purchased birthday cakes from September 1st were positive for Salmonella.

  At 15:00 on September 6, the Wuhou District Center for Disease Control, together with the city’s disease control and clinical experts, conducted research and analysis, and initially determined that the illnesses of 4 children were caused by salmonella, and another 5 were suspected of infection.

  Based on the above situation, the Wuhou District Education Bureau has instructed the Golden Apple Longwan Peninsula Kindergarten to rectify and improve its internal management, assume corresponding responsibilities, and implement special personnel to continue to pay attention to the health of children; the District Market Supervision Bureau further conducts investigations and takes the relevant responsible units and personnel seriously according to law Deal with it and resolutely avoid similar situations.

Screenshot of the official Weibo of the Education Bureau of Wuhou District, Chengdu