Chinanews client, Beijing, September 7th (Reporter Shangguanyun) A few cool autumn breeze dissipated the scorching heat.

The Bailu solar term is the turning point in the autumn from hot to cool. There is a saying that "the Bailu body is not exposed", and it is also a busy time for farming.

  It is the third solar term in autumn, which means the beginning of mid-autumn season.

In the long period of time, people have explored a set of lifestyles and diets adapted to the characteristics of solar terms. At this time, there are many customs such as drinking "white dew tea", eating eel, and eating longan.

Seasons reflecting changes in temperature

  Bailu is the 15th solar term in the "twenty-four solar terms". According to the traditional calendar, it is the end of the Ganzhi calendar and the beginning of the unitary month.

At this time, the sun reaches 165° of the yellow longitude, and the time range of the festival is from the 7th to the 9th of September in the Gregorian calendar.

Data map: Guangxi is busy with farming during the "Bailu" season.

Farmers in Dapo Village, Chang'an Town, Rong'an County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi, plow the ground in the field, preparing to plant autumn and winter crops. Photo by Tan Kaixing

  In autumn, the two solar terms before Bailu are Liqiu and Chushu, but the arrival of these two solar terms does not mean that the weather will immediately turn cooler.

Bailu is an important season that reflects the changes in natural temperature, and its arrival means that the sultry summer is basically over.

  At this point in the solar term, the temperature during the day is relatively high and the water vapor evaporates, but after the sun sets, the temperature drops relatively quickly.

At night, the water vapor in the air is condensed into small water droplets, attached to leaves, grass blades or petals, crystal clear.

  In ancient people’s cognition, four o'clock is used to match the five elements, autumn is "gold", golden and white, so it is used to describe autumn dew.

After entering the Bailu solar term, the cold air tends to go south in batches, which will also cause cooling within a certain range.

  In Bailu season, the cool autumn breeze lowers the temperature, but also takes away the moisture in the air. This characteristic is called "autumn dryness".

Bailu "receives clear dew"

  Speaking of the phenological characteristics of Bailu, just as the "Book of Rites" says: "The cool breeze comes, the white dew falls, and the chilling cicadas cried."

Bailu PC with pictures.

"Blank body is not exposed", Beijing street pedestrians "mix and match" travel.

Photo by Jin Shuo, China News Network reporter

  As it enters the late autumn, everything gradually declines. This is the season of alternating heat and cold.

Reflected in plants, the original lush leaves of vegetation will gradually wither and turn yellow and fall, and many crops will begin to mature. 

  In the Bailu solar term, there is a folk custom of "receiving clear dew". According to the record: "When the autumn dew blooms, it is collected on a plate, and it is fried like a sweet, so that it will prolong the year. People think that the dew at this time has a very special effect. , The collection of clear dew also seems to have become quite ritual.

  There is also an article mentioning that in the traditional seasonal beliefs, the white dew in autumn is the elixir for the treatment of eye diseases. There is a folk custom of collecting dew to wash the eyes in August.

  Compared with important solar terms such as the spring equinox and autumnal equinox, Bailu is not very well-known in the twenty-four solar terms.

Folklore activities are mostly regional, with obvious local characteristics.

Eat eel, collect "ten kinds of white"

  Based on the climate characteristics of Bailu, people have gradually figured out a set of methods for organizing agricultural production and arranging food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Data map: The Bailu solar term is approaching. The barley and wheat in the fields of Minle County, Zhangye, under the Qilian Mountains in the Hexi Corridor of Gansu, have matured and the fields are picturesque.

Photo by Chen Li

  For example, people in some places will collect "ten-like white" (also called "three-like white") at this time to simmer black-bone white chickens, or ducks. They think that eating can nourish the body and remove the atmosphere. .

  The so-called "ten-like white" is said to be 10 kinds of herbs with the word "white", such as white hibiscus, which is to correspond literally to "white dew".

In some places, Bailu must eat longan.

  "If you want to warm up, you can eat duck meat; to moisturize the lungs and reduce dryness, you can eat some seasonal pears, grapes, etc., and pay attention to eating more vegetables." Folk customs expert Wang Juan said that people with weak spleen and stomach can drink a little porridge. Come to nourish the stomach, chrysanthemum tea is also a good choice to "fight fire".

  Eel is also a good choice.

It is said that eels have the effects of nourishing deficiency and nourishing blood, removing dampness, etc. The eels in the Bailu period are the most plump and the best time to taste. Therefore, there is a saying in Suzhou that "White Dew Eel Frost Crab".
