"Wonderful Supplements and Books May Spring-National Ancient Books Restoration Skills Competition and Achievement Exhibition" opened at the National Classics Museum on September 1.

While collecting the entries, the exhibition also exhibited restoration works of precious ancient books such as "Zhaocheng Jinzang", Dunhuang Posthumous Manuscripts, and "Yongle Dadian". It is currently the largest exhibition with the theme of the restoration of ancient books.

  This activity is a concrete presentation of the results of restoration of ancient books in my country, as well as an actual test of the level of Chinese ancient book restoration personnel.

The exhibition exhibited 103 volumes of restoration competition works and rare ancient books restoration results, covering Dunhuang posthumous books, early Buddhist scriptures, rare books of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, rubbings of gold and stone, ancient books of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and ancient books of ethnic minorities.

  At the same time, ancient books restoration tools and equipment and ancient books restoration papers were exhibited. Through video explanations by restoration experts, on-site demonstrations by restoration engineers, and audience interactive experience, the ancient book restoration skills were displayed in three dimensions, guiding the public to understand ancient book restoration skills and promoting ancient books. The concept of protection is to create a strong atmosphere for the whole society to participate in, pay attention to, protect and inherit ancient book restoration techniques, and further promote the development of ancient book restoration.

  At present, the National Ancient Book Restoration Techniques Transmission and Study Center has established 32 transmission centers nationwide, 28 transmission and training tutors, and 241 apprentices. Special work for restoration of Tibetan Buddhist scriptures in Nagra Cave.

The ancient book restoration room covers an area of ​​more than 27,000 square meters, and the total number of rescued and restored ancient books reached 3.6 million leaves. The ancient book restoration work has achieved remarkable results.

(Reporter Ying Ni edited Zeng Chen)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]