
Typhoon Myssack No. 9 is accompanied by strong wind and heavy rain as Typhoon No. 8 Bobby, but the problem is that it is landing.

In particular, if the seawater height is the highest year-round, when the seawater reaches high tide, it is expected until a storm surge.

Reporter Ahn Young-in reports.


This is the appearance of Typhoon Mysak coming close to Jeju Island.

It is a little weaker than yesterday, but it is still a very strong typhoon with a strong wind of 47m/s and 169km/h in the center, and a strong wind radius of 370km.

Typhoon Mysak is expected to pass through the eastern sea of ​​Jeju Island at around 9 o'clock this evening, and land on the southern coast of Gyeongnam Province near Busan at around 2 AM tomorrow, and then penetrate the Yeongnam region.

As typhoons headed north, typhoon warnings and warnings have already been issued in all seas and lands of Jeju Island, and in the far seas of the South Sea.

A heavy rain and wind is expected across the country until tomorrow when the typhoon penetrates.

In the mountains of Jeju Island, on the east coast of Yeongnam and on the east coast of Gangwon, it is expected to rain a maximum of 400 mm, and in other regions as much as 100 to 300 mm of rain is expected.

It is expected that strong winds of up to 50 m/s and 180 km/h will be instantaneously hit on the coast of Jeju Island and Yeongnam, close to the typhoon route.

In particular, as the seawater level overlaps with Baekjungsa-ri, which is the highest year-round, storm surges are expected in the coastal area.

The Meteorological Administration said that Typhoon High Line No. 10, which occurred following Typhoon Myssac, may affect Korea around the coming Sunday and Monday, and asked to pay attention to the weather information.