Philippe Vardon (RN) at a press conference surrounded by elected officials from his group to talk about insecurity in Nice.


Gregory Gonzalez de Linares

"Let us bring back security in our city", write in their leaflets a group of elected representatives of the Rassemblement Nation and the Right Popular of Nice, gathered around Philippe Vardon.

On Monday, they met for a press conference on the theme of "the wildness" of the city and "the explosion of insecurity".

The group lists 24 knife attacks and thirteen shootings since the start of the year.

He asks for “more police presence” in the streets of the city, “the opening of 10 real municipal police stations to cover the whole city, and the reinforcement of the dog squad.


"There is a drop in general delinquency"

If the last few months have been marked by gunfire in the Liserons district, in June, and at Les Moulins, in July, and that there is "a feeling of an upsurge in stabbing attacks since mid-May , after deconfinement ", declares the Nice prosecutor Xavier Bonhomme, on the figures of delinquency," the data are rather on the decline ", announces a representative of the Central Directorate of Public Security (DDSP).

"During the deconfinement we noted the nervousness of motorists but in total the violations noted, there is rather a drop in general delinquency", we detail on the side of the DDSP.

The elected RN and the Popular Right announced for their part that they will distribute leaflets on Friday calling for "security in the city".


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  • Delinquency

  • Philippe Vardon

  • Nice

  • security

  • Urban violence