In an interview with the episode (1/9/2020) of the "Beyond the News" program, Alima added that the issue of the Israeli prisoners and missing persons in Hamas is a main reason for obstructing the implementation of previous understandings between the two sides, mediated by Egypt and Qatar.

He pointed out that the Israeli security services reached more than two years ago that there is no point in a military battle in the Gaza Strip, because Israel will return to the same way it was before the battle, which favored the belief that the only way to change the reality on the Gaza borders is to change the human and economic reality inside Gaza Strip, stressing that Israel was slow to bring about this change.

After nearly a month of escalation, Israel raided and bombed about 100 targets in the Gaza Strip, during which Palestinian activists launched hundreds of balloons and kites loaded with incendiary materials at Israeli settlements in the Gaza envelope, and Hamas announced reaching an understanding to contain the escalation after contacts made by the head of the Qatari committee to return Reconstruction of the Gaza Strip Ambassador Muhammad Al-Emadi.

Hamas indicated that this understanding includes announcing a number of projects that serve the people of the Gaza Strip, and contribute to alleviating them in light of the Corona wave, as well as the return of the situation to what it was before the escalation.

The only power station in the Gaza Strip has been restarted after Israel resumed the entry of fuel supplies into the strip, and the Israeli army said that the maritime space off the coast of Gaza would be reopened up to 15 nautical miles, as part of the announcement of reaching understandings.

For his part, Professor of Strategic and Regional Studies Ibrahim Habib said that the Palestinian resistance aimed to force the occupation to abide by the understandings that were agreed upon last February, indicating that it had succeeded in achieving its goal.

Habib added that what happened is an important step on the road to breaking the siege imposed on Gaza.

For his part, Professor of International Conflicts at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Ibrahim Fraihat said that Israel went to these understandings, because it does not want to disturb the peace of reaching an agreement for normalization with the UAE, and it also wants to neutralize Gaza at the present time.

Fraihat added that the approaching date of the US presidential elections also prompted Israel to postpone any military escalation with Gaza.