Back to school worried and "under covid" in Europe

Audio 19:30

Students from Henri Matisse college in Nice at the start of the school year, September 1, 2020. REUTERS / Eric Gaillard

By: Frédérique Lebel

23 min

Tens of millions of students in France and elsewhere in Europe return to class in September.

With a challenge: rehabilitation, after months of confinement and long vacations.


This is the case in Italy, where school never resumed during the pandemic.

Seven months of absence therefore, and as much knowledge to catch up, habits to relearn by September 14.

In Lombardy, an association, Edionlus, therefore came to the rescue during the summer.

To support children, parents and teachers, on issues of both education and psychological help.

Cécile Debarge

joined them to better understand their work.

In Germany, it's back to school in dispersed order since mid-August.



has its start date, but also its instructions, in particular on wearing a mask in primary school.

And as much to say that it is difficult to


, as shown in the report by 

Julien Méchaussie


As for Bulgaria, which had until then been very spared from the pandemic, it is now showing an increasing toll, with 16,000 infections and 600 deaths.

At school, barrier gestures and social distancing are now present, but it will not be easy, including in primary school where there is generally traffic jam.

In Sofia,

Damian Vodenitcharov


Finally in Ireland, it is the future students who are paying the high price for this pandemic.

The high school students who were at the end of their studies still do not have the results of their final exam, which will not fall until next week.

Many uncertainties therefore for a faculty registration which must then be done in record time.

In Dublin

Emeline Wine.

And we also talk about an ecological and innovative version of Europe in Accents d'Europe!

Austrian soybeans

Austria may well provide ideas, for example to solve the soy puzzle.

We use 40 million tonnes of it to feed our farms on the continent.

Of these 40 million, 80% are imported soybeans, resulting from GMO cultivation or deforestation on the American continent.

So really not an ecological solution.

But in Austria, in the Burgenland region in the far east of the country, soybeans are now grown with success.

This is

Céline Beal's



A report financed by the IMCAP program of the European Union.

Clean textiles

Along with livestock farming, the textile industry is also a major source of pollution.

Because of the use of chemicals and the discharge of sewage.

But in Lithuania, one of the oldest textile factories in the country, Utenos trikotazas (Outenoss Trikotajas), has made its ecological transition, with the sponsorship of Greenpeace, according to

Marielle Vitureau



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  • Coronavirus

  • France

  • Italy

  • Austria

  • Environment

  • Germany

  • Ireland

  • Lithuania

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