Prime Minister Jean Castex.



Prime Minister Jean Castex will host an interministerial meeting in Matignon on Wednesday with the main associations of elected officials to discuss the violence suffered by several mayors this summer, various sources indicated.

The meeting will begin at 8:30 am and will be held in the presence of the Minister of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Jacqueline Gourault, said a source of the latter. ministry.

After a summer marked by various attacks against mayors, elected officials, who complain about the slowness of justice, will be represented by the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), Regions of France, the Assembly of Departments of France or even France Urbaine -which brings together the large cities-, the source said.

Struck after a neighborhood dispute

"The mayors are waiting for a message of firmness, clearer sanctions and systematic prosecutions, which implies providing the justice system with the necessary means", underlined the AMF, in a press release, specifying that it will be represented in Matignon by its president François Baroin.

According to figures from the AMF, 233 mayors were assaulted from January to July.

For the whole of 2019, they had been 383 to suffer beatings or insults, against 361 in 2018.

Several attacks hit the headlines this summer, including that of Francis D'Hulst, elected from the locality of Portbail in the Manche area hit by campers, or that of Philippe Becheau, mayor of Saint-Philippe d'Aiguille, in Gironde, after complaining of noise at night.

Last week, the mayor of Chalifert (Seine-et-Marne) was attacked with punches by one of his constituents for a neighborhood dispute.


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  • Society

  • Aggression

  • Mayor

  • Jean Castex