Every day

A "worrying" increase .. But adherence to the procedures is the solution

Sami Al Riyami


02 Sep 2020

The daily infection rates of the new Coronavirus have started to increase in recent days, and although these increases are undoubtedly worrying, they are expected, and we may even witness in the coming days other possible increases in the numbers of daily infections, and this is a very natural reflection of the increase in the movement of members of society, and the return of life in All domains.

Increasing daily infection rates at their current rate, although it is worrying, as stated by the Minister of Health, Abdul Rahman Al Owais, as it is clearly under the control of the concerned authorities, and it must be placed under one axis only, and send a single message to the community, to emphasize the importance of adhering to the precautionary measures, which It comes on top of avoiding gatherings and visits, during the current period, and adhering to physical distancing.

The return of business, and the return of life to state schools, necessarily increase the possibility of transmitting the virus from one person to another, but with adherence to precautionary measures in workplaces and in schools, we thus reduce the chance of the virus reaching homes, and the transmission of infection to the elderly, as the virus is more severe. Dangerous and ferocious on them!

And frankly, everyone touched an unparalleled interest in most of the state's schools, in adhering to the guiding instructions and precautionary measures, and the school year in the country began differently from every year, but it is very clear that everyone is fully aware of the need to give the health and safety of students the highest priority, and on Account for nothing else!

The protocols approved by the federal and local authorities have had a positive role in helping schools, teachers, parents and students, to gradually return in a healthy and smooth way to continue the educational process, in a positive manner and within a safe environment, and these protocols contributed to facilitating the implementation of all procedures that must be adhered to, whether during The period of students' presence at the school headquarters, or when they enter and leave it, to ensure complete safety for all.

It is a difficult year, and there is no doubt that the new procedures are somewhat annoying and tiring for students and parents together, but they mainly aim to ensure their safety, and here comes the role of parents in relieving their children and convincing them of the need to fully adhere to all the details of these procedures, and they should not express any complaint Or, dissatisfaction with these measures, in front of their students, on the contrary, they must be a support and aid to the state, the concerned authorities, and school administrations, so that things return to normal and we return to life without any fear or terror from this virus!

And this day is not far away, we all hope so. Perhaps the statements of the Minister of Health, Abdul-Rahman Al-Owais, in this regard, are encouraging and joyful, as he referred to the third phase of clinical trials, which are being conducted in the country on a vaccine for the disease «Covid-19», and said: «There is an evolution Tangible, and the results are very reassuring, and no side effects were recorded on the volunteers.

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