Illustration of a thermal camera used in Brazil in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, in 2020. - DOUGLAS MAGNO / AFP

  • The Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region will test thermal cameras in three high schools from the start of the school year to measure the temperature of the students.
  • It also planned, like the metropolis and the department, to provide masks to equip students, faced with the refusal of the State to finance this type of compulsory material.

In three establishments in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, high school students will have to pass in front of a thermal camera before joining their class. The LR president of the region Laurent Wauquiez announced this Friday in Lyon the establishment, on an experimental basis, of equipment of this type from the start of the school year in an agricultural high school, a public high school and a private establishment of the academies of Lyon, Grenoble and Clermont-Ferrand.

In agreement with the rectorate, these cameras must make it possible "to quickly detect feverish students and to submit them to the health protocol implemented by the National Education", underlines the region, whose objective is to prevent the spread of the coronavirus .

Between 15 and 30 days of testing

This technology was created by the Stackr company, based in Ain, which makes its equipment available free of charge during the experiment. These tests will be carried out for fifteen days to a month, according to Laurent Wauquiez's teams, then will be extended to other voluntary high schools if they are conclusive.

Masks provided by communities

Beyond thermal cameras, the region has announced that it will also make available to all high schools and training and learning centers (CFA), for which it is competent, 3,000 frontal thermometers, or five per establishment. . A million reusable fabric masks must also be sent to high school students and apprentices in the region by post between September 7 and 15. To benefit from it, families must request it by registering for the Region Pass. "This distribution will be renewed at the end of each school holiday period, as long as the epidemic risk is proven," adds the region which has also provided for a million masks to equip all students over 8 years old using school buses regional.

The government criticized

“This new school year is taking place in a particular context. Many families are worried about the epidemic. The wearing of masks has been made compulsory by the government, without free distribution being ensured. We could not leave our families and our students in such a situation ”, declared Laurent Wauquiez this Friday. In the metropolis of Lyon and the Rhône department, faced with the refusal of the State, the respective presidents have also decided to finance masks themselves for secondary school students. Two hundred thousand reusable fabric masks should thus be distributed to students from the start of the school year on the territory of the agglomeration and the Rhône.

Our back-to-school articles

“We don't want there to be a problem with schooling because of the health situation. We want all schoolchildren to have a mask to attend classes, "said Thursday the environmental president of the metropolis Bruno Bernard," reserved "as to the anticipation of the health crisis by the government. “It would have been good to anticipate the recovery instructions a little better. We have been in this crisis for six months and there are things on which we would like more visibility, ”said the new elected official while the conditions for re-entry and health measures remained unclear until this middle. week in France.


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  • Covid 19
  • Middle School
  • Back to school
  • High school
  • Lyon
  • Health
  • Society
  • Coronavirus